Ministry working with PAHO after cholera case

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville.

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville.



HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville has assured the public that the Bahamas can handle an outbreak of cholera, should one occur, adding that officials were actively working to implement additional protocols.

Dr Darville spoke to reporters on Friday regarding a confirmed cholera case of a 52-year-old Bahamian man in New Providence who was reported by the Ministry of Health and Wellness on Thursday.

Despite speculation, Dr Darville said the man did not travel to Haiti, but he did not give any other details on the patient’s recent travel history.

Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholera, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

With the new confirmed case of cholera in the capital, Dr Darville told reporters that the ministry is working closely with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) to implement additional protocols.

He said: “The additional protocols are more closely monitoring our borders, having more healthcare, individuals in our surveillance unit, high alert, monitoring our airports, ports of entry ships coming in from various different jurisdictions.

“It’s more involved with surveillance,” he said

When asked if the country’s healthcare facilities have the capacity to deal with cholera cases, “yes” was Dr Darville‘s reply. “Yes, we have an emergency protocol that we can activate in the event that we have cases that supersede these isolated cases. They are available not only in New Providence, but also in Grand Bahama.

“And our team on the Family Islands are also on high alert on how. So, these are standard medical protocols that our healthcare providers have the ability to activate, in the event that we do have an outbreak.”

With one case of cholera having been reported in the country so far, Dr Darville said there is no need for great alarm at this point.

However, he urged residents to take the necessary precautions, such as using and drinking safe water and to practice proper hygiene.

“I want the residents of The Bahamas to know that our neighbour in close proximity, there's an outbreak and there's always the possibility. And so, for us in the healthcare industry, we must be mindful of what is around us and begin to prepare for any possible outbreak.”

The last case of cholera in the country was recorded in 2017, according to the ministry.

Additionally, the minister confirmed the country is stocked with measles vaccines, adding the ministry is prepared if a case occurred.

When asked for an update on the recruitment process for nurses, he said it is continuing. He further explained that the ministry is looking for nurses from several different places to assist the shortage of nurses in the country.

In a release on Friday, the ministry also said the monkeypox vaccine will arrive in the country on Monday.


tribanon 1 year, 9 months ago

No doubt cholera and other dreadful diseases are being brought to the Bahamas from Haiti by either illegal aliens or globalist WHO/PAHO healthcare bureaucrats who travel between Haiti and The Bahamas.

Twocent 1 year, 9 months ago

Since cholera is not endemic to the Bahamas the above comment was well put! However, we also have an invisibly growing number of Indians traveling back and forth to a place heavily affected by cholera. The UN was found responsible for cholera in Haiti. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-am… Once it arrives it spreads through water, food and poor hygiene. A person with cholera gets diarrhea, goes to the bathroom in the bush cause of lack of toilets, has nowhere to wash their hands, and handles food thus passing on cholera. Or flies land on open fecal matter and then food. Or rain washes it into the mud where children later play. Since it is a bacterial infection much can be done to cure it. But you and I know what the UN health affiliates will recommend for it…and give us “passport” lol ROL.

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