MPs express outrage over recent sex assaults on elderly women




St Anne’s MP Adrian White.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PARLIAMENTARIANS Jomo Campbell and Adrian White expressed outrage over the recent sexual assault of an elderly woman.

An 82-year-old woman was sexually assaulted in her home off Wulff Road on Tuesday.

Mr Campbell, the MP for Centreville, said the victim lives near his grandmother’s home.

“Let me state for the record, and I’m sure that all of my colleagues will agree with me on this, that sexual assault has no place in our society and we have zero tolerance for this type of sick and ugly behaviour,” he said.

“No Bahamian male or even female, for that instance, should think it is normal or acceptable to be a sexual abuser towards anyone – especially an 82-year-old precious pearl. As Bahamian men, let us learn to love and cherish all our Bahamian women.”

Mr White, the MP for St Anne’s, said he was startled to learn the suspect had allegedly committed similar acts.

“How is it,” he asked, “that we can have an individual back on the streets when they’re known for these types of offences?

“You have to think now, what are we as legislators going to do for the country? We’re not in the pulpit where we can cast out this type of action as evil and call on God alone to resolve it. We have to make a change to our laws.”

Mr White questioned whether an offender with a history of at least three serious offences should remain in custody for life or the public should be notified when released from prison.

On June 19, police reported another sexual assault involving an 83-year-old woman at her home on Market Street when a man beat and assaulted her.


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