Rahming defends OPM’s travel budget rise

Director of communications in the Office of the Prime Minister Latrae Rahming. (File photo)

Director of communications in the Office of the Prime Minister Latrae Rahming. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter


OFFICE of the Prime Minister director of communications Latrae Rahming defended the OPM’s travel budget increase yesterday, saying the prime minister’s travels are “always in the national interest” and aligned with the government’s foreign policy agenda.

His comment during yesterday’s OPM press briefing came after the mid-year budget revealed the OPM’s travel budget has increased to $2.1m, up from $569,721.

Mr Davis’ frequent travels have repeatedly drawn attacks from critics and the Opposition.

Mr Rahming said the government receives various requests that require officials to travel. He said sometimes it is adequate for technocrats or the minister of foreign affairs to travel, but some matters require the prime minister’s attendance.

 “When you see the prime minister  make a decision to travel anywhere, it’s because the meeting agenda requires his attendance, particularly at the head of government level, like CARICOM level, or at COP,” he said.

 “The prime minister recently travelled in Africa, the non-aligned states. It was entirely focused on the government trying to expand its diplomatic relationship with other African countries.”

 Mr Rahming’s comments did not persuade many critics of the Davis administration’s travel habits, some of whom said on social media that the government has not quantified the benefits of the various trips.


K4C 5 months ago

Travel that's to make Davis appear a world leader when he can't even lead a bunch of boy scouts

birdiestrachan 5 months ago

It is all the FnM have to complain about so they make it a issue this must be the only country that complains about their Government Travels not like the other man who went all over the world calling us corrupt,

Mr Davis show the face of the Bahamas it is a very good face

ExposedU2C 5 months ago

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Sickened 5 months ago

Poor Rahming. He must spend so much of his time on bended knee asking the good Lord for forgiveness for the things he says in order to protect Davis.

ExposedU2C 5 months ago

That budget increase must include his wife's new dresses, new hats, new handbags, new earrings, new gloves, etc., etc., so that she can prance around abroad at the taxpayers' expense like the peacock that she thinks she is. LOL

TalRussell 5 months ago

Can see why others, not I, mock the office of the premiership --- As the office of communications 'fools'. --- Yes?

themessenger 5 months ago

Rahming has usurped Bodie as the newly crowned anointer of Brave's Buns.

birdiestrachan 5 months ago

Mr Davis continue to show the brillant face of the Bahamas as Moses said here is a wise and intelligent people that is who we are as Bahamians some have fsllen behind .but we will bring them along

themessenger 5 months ago

Birdie, I see you still voraciously devouring dem horse road apples and calling dem Honey Crisp, but then crabs are known to be partial to road apples.

birdiestrachan 5 months ago

Keep up the good works Mr Rhaming you look good you speak well there are many the wicked will not like that so they come after you with insults it is all right it is all they have nothing else

bahamianson 5 months ago

And it is 242 day. Who gets to celebrate for free? The politicians get to celebrate for free with our money. We buy the shirts and other merchandise. They get the merchandise for free, and their familias. They get the free party and steak while we pay for the expensive damn CornBeef.

hrysippus 5 months ago

Dad, just so sad........

Porcupine 5 months ago

The true expensive cost of vanity. Laid entirely at The People's feet. We even have to pay for people to make excuses for this vanity. Yes, sad is correct.

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