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FRONT PORCH: Signs of failure and dysfunction still plague us

Last year there were 103 homicides in Greater London, with a population of approximately 8.9 million. The Bahamas, with approximately 400,000 people, had 110 murders, the majority of them on New Providence, with a population of approximately 300,000. Stabbing accounted for 65.05 percent of the homicides in London. The greater majority of homicides in The Bahamas are caused by guns.

EDITORIAL: So, is crime affecting bookings, or not?

TOURISM Minister Chester Cooper was on the offensive yesterday – and given the recent spat over media coverage of murders made for interesting listening.

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ALICIA WALLACE: If PM doesn’t like the headlines he needs to change the story

I HAVE taken issue with many headlines for various reasons, from being sensational to the point of misleading anyone who started and stopped there to the use of inappropriate language such as “unlawful sexual intercourse” instead of clear, correct language like “rape".

Balance required on ‘more intrusive policing’

THE response to the recent spike in murders has seen a particular trend – with a greater emphasis on police action balanced against the question of human rights.

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PETER YOUNG: No lessening of last year’s troubled times

HAVING written this weekly column continuously for nearly five years, apart from the odd short holiday break, it has been hugely disappointing personally to have been prevented through ill health from producing it since the beginning of January. But it feels good to be back in harness today even though there are two subjects rather than the usual three.

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FACE TO FACE: Fighting for the rights of fathers

Children who have a close relationship with their father are twice more likely to find stable employment or enter college after high school. They are 75 percent less likely to have a teen birth; 80 percent less likely to spend time in jail; and half as likely to experience multiple depression symptoms.

EDITORIAL: ‘Are we about hiding the truth?’

“Are we about hiding the truth?” Not our words but those of Philip “Brave” Davis. Not today, but back in 2012, when he was in Opposition.

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THE KDK REPORT: This life and the next

AT the start of a new year, it’s common practice as an adult to reflect on our lives. We assess our successes and failures throughout the preceding year and set goals for the near future. And every year, aside from wishing for more success, the hope ultimately is that we and our loved ones retain good health and even stronger relationships.

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DIANE PHILLIPS: Our historic and cultural treasures hidden in plain sight

Tanya Melich Crone was cataloging the work of her late father, architect Henry Melich, when she came across these hand-drawn works, masterpieces of buildings that helped frame the city of Nassau.

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Eric Wiberg – The 1657 shipwreck of the Madema do Brasil near Gorda Cay, Abaco

GORDA Cay was named because of its round shape – in Spanish it means simply ‘fat’ – the only village, occupied by itinerant farmers from nearby Sandy Point, Abaco, was named Pumpkin Harbour. J

EDITORIAL: Let businesses know of changes in good time

RECENTLY in this column, we talked about the ease of doing business – or lack thereof – in The Bahamas.

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FACE TO FACE: Long-time friends bring ‘wow-factor’ to business

The Gift Box is all about reintroducing ‘the art of gifting’

THERE are some friendships that last long beyond school days - they last a lifetime. Relationships built on common values, shared goals and mutual respect can flourish. In the case of Sophia Hall and Keisha Bastian, great camaraderie established during high school days at St. Augustine’s College has blossomed into a brand new business venture.

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STATESIDE: This week all eyes turn to NFL, Swift and Trump

IT was probably inevitable. The three most important topics in America have now become intertwined as the country’s fourth most important day approaches. That would be the Super Bowl, which probably now ranks just behind Christmas, the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.

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FRONT PORCH – A culture of violence is metastasizing: Why are we surprised?

WE have gone to bed most evenings and/or have awakened most mornings in the New Year with fresh social media posts and news about the latest murder(s). The killing frenzy – it is not a “spurt” – has surprised many of us. Why are we surprised?

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ALICIA WALLACE – Communities: People coming together for a common goal

IN a small group discussion earlier this week, someone noted that we use the word “community” very frequently and loosely. It is used in reference to people who intentionally and consistently come together with a particular purpose, and it is used in reference to people who have something in common and are then, in many cases, assumed to be connected through that commonality.