
2 Vote

birdiestrachan 5 years, 8 months ago on 'Defending the 400,000' on $4.6m union excess

It will be interesting to learn how much the Board members including MR; Scott is being paid. Will the Government in the Sunshine inform the Bahamian people? or is this as secret as the secret conclave.

4 Vote

newcitizen 5 years, 8 months ago on RBDF commodore defends plane search and recovery efforts

Why is it so hard to take some responsibility. So many excuses, always another excuse for why someone didn't do their job. It's like a disease in this country, everyone's got the 'excuses'.

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DDK 5 years, 8 months ago on Davis demands answers on Cargill consultancy

Does it really make any difference? It's just more money being paid out of The People's taxes to line the pockets the so-called elite, for doing whatever.

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Economist 5 years, 8 months ago on Davis demands answers on Cargill consultancy

You are right on about General Orders. They need to be revised but no one dares challenge the Civil Servants, especially the Permanent Secretaries.

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sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago on Davis demands answers on Cargill consultancy

If the People really knew HOW the Minister of Finance does really "bust up" tens of millions of our VAT money on "consultants" ........... when we have many idle salaried senior public officers sitting there doing nothing or on pre-retirement vacation etc ............ Blame General Orders

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sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago on PM orders rescue operations review

We have been going between pillar (PLP) and post (FNM) for 20 years ........... and what have we gotten for this????????? ........... more debt, downgrade, VAT, poverty, crime, and blacklisting ............. and that is FACTS.

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DDK 5 years, 8 months ago on PM orders rescue operations review

A "full review" will only be beneficial if the many deficiencies and inadequacies in the system and personnel involved are actually rectified, and KEPT rectified. These should include air AND sea accident and emergency response. The current system IS a national disgrace.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago on Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

Dimwitted Minnis and the incompetent central bank governor he appointed (John Rolle) are not even proposing to establish a web site that lists all of the dormant account owners so that Bahamian families who may be entitled to bank balances left by their deceased loved ones can rightfully claim what belongs to them. Instead, Minnis and Rolle would rather have the government steal these dormant bank balances. What a joke! LMAO

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bogart 5 years, 8 months ago on Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

Bahamas has done seen the ......effects of Hurricane Grand Bahama.......but did seems..nuttin up to da Minnis efforts....... Banks been predatory lending ...prior to Hurricanes.....lending 90--95%.....almost..WHOLE PRICE.....Value of da lot....purchase....or Appraised value whichin is lower....LOAN OFFICERS HAV TARGETS TO MEET SO DEY CANS GETS A SALARY INCREASE...2 people loan officer uneducated customer sit in one lil cubicle only the uneducated customer is wrong......never in the HISTORY OF BANK LENDING in da Bahamas no Bank has been everr guilty of NEGLIGLIGENCE....LOL...some Banks offer cash bonuses to loan officers for how much loams they sell.....CRITERIA... is Banks use a...MORTGAGE INDEMNITY INSURANCE facilitate lending almost the Value.....THEN comes a Hurricane in the GUESS WHAT we in a hurricane zone......destroys....LOAN CUSTOMERS OUTTA WORK...BUSINESSES CLOSE....PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED...CANT REPAY LOAN...WHICHIN ....HOUSE AN LOT VALUED LESS THAN LOAN....both bank and noninsired non bank....Banks always holding buildings homes structures Collateral for budiness loans....valued now less....They crippled.....less painting store...workers further let go......simply dangerous lending practices...affecting..GDP....GUBBERMINT...ERRYONE.......!!!!...time to looks at factors tings whichin can be changes good times...before hurricanes..... towards ...lessening da disaster impact....and speed of recovery.....

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Gotoutintime 5 years, 8 months ago on Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

What gives the Government the right to touch that money--Didn't the Germans do that in WW2?

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sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago on 'Enough is Enough': Protest against government in Rawson Square

Enough of what????????? ................ BPL??????, VAT???????, banks?????, PMH?????, Post Office??????? Disney???????? GBPA & Freeport???????? Airports???????

LOL .......... The PLP is just laughing at all of us and licking their lips.

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DDK 5 years, 8 months ago on 'Enough is Enough': Protest against government in Rawson Square

Of course BEC is officially broke, they hid that fact in plain sight by creating BPL and spending thousands to do just that - so much corruption and employee/union problems, combined with rank inefficiency for decades. I hope the folks at Rawson Square don't think the PLP are blameless.

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bogart 5 years, 8 months ago on 'Enough is Enough': Protest against government in Rawson Square

...ah yes....but da bus has ....petrol be moving forward.....da steering working..cause... to steers it east or miss dem huge potholes never...never..did get fixed......seems like decades....truth be told...remember dis electricity....ting been going on Gubberment Minister even used to be ......called Black Out Pete....lectricity off cause copper wire tieffed....wire over lectric wire causing engine falling down..?...special list whichinin big shot..... aint gon gets light cuts off....who owes plenty light bill.....dese problens ...jus catchin up.....????

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DDK 5 years, 8 months ago on Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

The other joke is that if purloined, the funds would never hang around to see the first tropical disturbance of the next season.

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bogart 5 years, 8 months ago on Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

Opposition leader did give a well analysed rebuttal using other examples in countries we follow like UK...many accounts fall dormant ...people wid Alzamheimers commonly trust for accounts gets forgotton....people die...bad info by persons...beneficiaries...needs lawyers...Banks lessening staff from decades now....dont even answer phone...TRY CALLIN....they should find their customers who made dem who dey is today...plenty accounts likely dormant even other accountsnext branch...SIMPLY BANKS SAYING DEY UNABLES TO FIND WHERE 42,000 CUSTOMERS IS IN dey hardly even has noone answering da bank phpne is not good enuff....!!!

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BahamaPundit 5 years, 8 months ago on Dormant accounts – they'll do nicely

Why not try find the relatives if the owners have passed. This is stealing!