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EDITORIAL: What will we do with human trafficking in our country?

WHEN The Bahamas makes international news, the spotlight is seldom kind.


Canadian bank problems? Go local, suggests minister

MICHAEL Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs, suggested a shift from Canadian banks to local providers can provide a solution to Family Island banking woes during a panel discussion at the inaugural Sustainable Development Goals conference yesterday.


The Great Cabinet Shuffle

In worldwide politics it has always been fashionable to ‘blame’ the outgoing administration for the apparent political failures and omissions of good governance. When a current administration shuffles cabinet posts and individuals the opposing party will cry wolf and suggest that such changes reflect lipstick being applied to a pig.

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MEN KILLED BY POLICE ‘HAD FIRED AT CROWD’: Officer testifies men shot at them near bar then fled in car

AN officer testified yesterday that police opened fire on two men killed in a chase on Tonique Williams-Darling Highway in 2017 after they allegedly fired a gun at a crowd outside a bar.

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Atlantis supervisor of woman on jury duty scolded by Judge

A SUPREME Court judge in the Adrian Gibson corruption trial declined to fine an Atlantis supervisor yesterday, but reprimanded her for allegedly telling a juror to take vacation leave while on jury duty.

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Mitchell hits back at Gibson's 'lack of confidence' claim

Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell said Shane Gibson's suggestion that the PLP has no confidence in him as chairman does not add up. Instead, he said, Mr Gibson's choice to withdraw from the race shows he has no confidence in himself.

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Police squadron leader recounts the events that led to death of three men

THE leader of the police squadron that conducted a fatal raid at a Blair Estates mansion in 2019 testified that officers were executing a search warrant for Tony Smith as the Coroner’s Court inquest continued yesterday.


Personal income tax not on gov’t ‘agenda’

A CABINET minister has affirmed that the introduction of a personal income tax is “not on our agenda” - not even for the top 10 percent of earners as recommended by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


EDITORIAL: Bail change sounds good, but what will it really mean?

IT all sounded very powerful and purposeful – no more bail for those who commit offences while out on bail already.

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Tar washing up on beaches after oil spill

GRAND Bahama residents and visitors have encountered a black oily substance at Fortune Beach in the Lucaya area. This follows an oil spill believed to be from last week’s oil spill at the jetty off Pinder’s Point - but there are suggestions that there may have been a separate spill in the area.

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Corporate income tax is 'wrong way around'

The Opposition's finance spokesman yesterday argued that The Bahamas has corporate income tax "the wrong way around" because the proposed reform options are forecast to suck "more money" from the private sector via taxation.

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Deficit ‘on target’ despite beating full-year by $54m

The Government’s top finance official last night asserted that the fiscal deficit remains on target even though it exceeded the full-year target by $54.3m after just five months.

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Banker backs IMF on tax reform scepticism

A SENIOR banker has backed the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) scepticism over the Government’s stance that it will hit its deficit and revenue targets solely through better compliance and enforcement.


ArawakX attorney hit at 'degradation ceremony'

ArawakX’s attorney blasted that he was “not going to sit here in a degradation ceremony” after regulators voiced concern that the crowd-funding platform was using “delaying tactics” in response to its solvency concerns.

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Insurer uproar on Gov'ts 50% investment 'dictate'

Bahamian insurers yesterday blasted the Davis administration for seeking to "dictate" their investment strategy by mandating that a "minimum" 50 percent of their total portfolio be held in government securities.


EDITORIAL: Will a decision be made on NIB at last?

ALL eyes will be on Parliament today for the Budget – and while there are many questions about how the government will tackle income and spending for the year ahead, the thorny one of what to do about the National Insurance Board fund persists.


EDITORIAL: Good news - but not the whole story

AFTER years of no statistics over how many people were unemployed, we have good news.


Digital kiosks to boost Nassau security and visitor experience

Digital kiosks will be installed in downtown Nassau to boost security and help tourists better navigate Bay Street and the surrounding area, a government senator disclosed yesterday.


Power of the pen and democracy

With your kind permission I wish to offer an opinion on the power of the pen and the expression of democracy. Having written letters to The Editor since the age of 18, which was more than a few years ago, I have always enjoyed and appreciated the democratic freedom I possess while I express my opinion via the pen. I believe every human being in this country ought to have the right to express their opinion. And when that individual is prevented from the expression of an opinion, then Houston we have a problem.


EDITORIAL: Dead deserve dignity and respect

A LETTER arrived in The Tribune’s inbox this week.