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36 years locked away on a 7-year sentence

THE Supreme Court yesterday ordered the release of Eric Stubbs, a man who spent 36 years in Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre after he was convicted of rape in 1984.

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Scheme to cut down on drugs at prison

THE Bahamas Department of Correctional Services yesterday launched a pilot electronic inmate visitation programme in a move officials say will crack down on contraband and drug smuggling at the prison, among other things.

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THE KDK REPORT: No cage too small

There’s a stark difference between being captured and imprisoned and being born into captivity. The major difference is in the mindset of the prisoner. A man once free and then locked up oscillates between anger and depression, drowning in the loss of the freedom he once enjoyed. Someone born into it, however, simply cannot appreciate this loss with the same level of desperation and comprehension.

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PETER YOUNG: After scandal and blunders is the clock ticking loudly for Boris?

In Britain, it is said politicians as a species need to have the skin of a rhinoceros to thrive or even survive in the hurly-burly of their chosen occupation.

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‘Shock Treatment programme does more harm than good’

JUVENILE advocates want the government to reconsider bringing back its Shock Treatment programme, saying it could prove counterproductive.

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Cuban couple ‘don’t qualify for asylum’

A CUBAN couple seeking political asylum in The Bahamas after fleeing their home country for fear of persecution claim immigration officials have discriminated against them because of their nationality.

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Cuban couple seeking asylum held in custody

THE government has been ordered to prove it acted lawfully when immigration officials detained a Cuban couple who sought to seek political asylum in The Bahamas after fleeing their home country for fear of persecution.

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Murder convict fails to release $11.4m freeze

A convict serving a 50-year sentence for murder has failed in a bid to overturn an Order that froze up to $11.4m of his assets held by Bahamian financial institutions.

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Reid: Second chance programme could reduce reoffending levels

PASTOR Carlos Reid has described the government’s newly announced Second Chance jobs programme as a “past due” initiative, one he believes that could spark a decline in the recidivism rate among offenders.

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PM urges US judge: End pursuit of web shop boss

The Prime Minister has urged a US judge to end the federal authorities’ pursuit of Island Luck’s co-founder, writing: “I strongly advocate termination of proceedings against Mr Adrian Fox.”

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INSIGHT: Advanced poll chaos showed a lack of preparation

ALL the talk of the country being ready to run an election during a pandemic ran aground on Thursday amid the chaos of an advanced poll that showed we were far from prepared.


The voting rights of quarantined

I write in response to your column of September 1, 2021, entitled “Why is there no plan for the Quarantined?” Good question! The answers that have been offered by the “powers that be” thus far lie somewhere in the range between pathetic and paralyzed.

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FRONT PORCH: The liberating power of reading

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” - Frederick Douglass

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NO VOTE LIKELY IF QUARANTINED: Ministers signal voters may miss ballot to stop possible COVID spread

NATIONAL Security Minister Marvin Dames suggested yesterday that people in quarantine for COVID-19 exposure may not be allowed to vote in the upcoming general election.

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'We must change how we deal with crime’

LOCAL community activists are calling for a shift in the way the country deals with crime following a recent spate of murders.

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A COMIC'S VIEW: How the rest of the world is dealing with marijuana

As we continue to wait on the final version of the Marijuana Bill, I continue to research the subject and it’s impact globally - all in an effort to see what new measures are being taken around the world as countries continue to legalise and decriminalise marijuana, either medicinally, recreationally or in some cases both, to see the positives we can incorporate in our still not final Bill that will benefit both the administration and citizenry moving forward.

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FINAL JUSTICE FOR BREANNA: Women jailed for 28 years after young mum slain over a cellphone

THE remaining two women convicted of murdering teenage mother Breanna Mackey over three years ago were sentenced to 28 years in prison by a Supreme Court judge yesterday.

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‘New citizens should wait to have a vote’

FORMER parliamentarian Loretta Butler-Turner says she believes the government should legislate “a timeframe” for naturalised Bahamians to become participants in the nation’s electoral process.

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A COMIC'S VIEW: Positive steps taken towards the legalisation of medicinal marijuana

ATTORNEY General Carl Bethel recently announced that marijuana legislation, once approved by Cabinet, will be introduced to Parliament before the end of the budget year.

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FRONT PORCH: America the Violent

A concatenation of recent brutal events in America are knottily stitched together in a star-spangled and blood-soaked banner of racial and gun violence that stretches from the inception of America to the present day.