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Munroe: No need for recusal by Dame Anita in same-sex cases

ATTORNEY Wayne Munroe, QC, yesterday criticised Marco City MP Greg Moss’ assertion that Court of Appeal President Anita Allen should recuse herself from potential cases involving same-sex marriage because she appeared prejudiced against the marriage status quo during a lecture on Tuesday.


Surpassing expectations: Part 1

By Rev. Angela C. Bosfield Palacious


Animal cruelty case

THE case of the man who was killing innocent dogs with his pit bull must be dealt with severely. We in The Bahamas want so badly to be taken seriously by first world countries but this will not happen if we continue to show that we do not care about the well being of living creatures. I read a letter to the editor in which the writer said we should “feel sorry” for the man who encouraged the dog’s death. I totally disagree.


Shanty towns

I commend this government on its decision to rid our country of the Shanty Towns, but I respectfully disagree with the methods and action being taken, which is causing the delays being experienced.

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Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell warned Dr Myles Munroe yesterday “not to mess” with him, charging that “just because someone sits on a pulpit and hides behind theology does not give them the right to make vile, slanderous statements”.

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Witness accused of perjury

A MAN who claimed he saw three men shooting at a policeman, who was on the ground outside Club Rock in March 1999, was accused of perjury yesterday.


We do not have a crime problem

I would like to go on record and disagree with all of the talk show hosts and media personalities who think that we have a crime problem; to listen to them pontificate you get the impression that this situation is something new.

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Christie: Not all web shops will be licensed

NOT all web shops currently in operation in the Bahamas will be licensed if the Bahamian public votes in favour of decriminalising the industry, Prime Minister Perry Christie said yesterday.

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PETER YOUNG: And finally . . . let’s not look back in anger

Well, folks, it has actually happened. Britain left the European Union on January 31. This has created enormous attention and extensive international media coverage and there have been huge celebrations in London and elsewhere in the country. It has been described in Britain as the most significant moment in the nation’s modern history.

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Live a fulfilling life: Should you stop eating red meat?

Should you reduce your intake of beef, lamb, bacon and sausage? According to a new study, the answer is...maybe.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Recognising stress overload

Life is full of new experiences and discoveries, deadlines and demands. This way of life can cause feelings of anxiety and stress. Stress isn’t always bad, however.

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International tennis teams to join Bahamas for IC Caribbean Doubles Week Championship

INTERNATIONAL tennis teams from USA, Barbados and Canada will be joining The Bahamas team for the sixth bi-annual International Tennis Clubs (IC) Caribbean Doubles Week Championship from Monday, January 16 to Friday, January 20.


COVID alcohol bar cuts Brewery revenue 48%

Commonwealth Brewery has disclosed that the COVID-19-related bar on alcohol sales slashed its 2020 second quarter revenues by 48 percent year-over-year, dropping it to a $3.16m first half net loss.


TUC ‘emphatic’ in $210 minimum wage opposition

A leading trade union body yesterday said it “emphatically” disagreed with the new $210 weekly wage, arguing that it was sticking up for non-unionised Bahamian workers.

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THE ALICIA WALLACE COLUMN: What’s in the message is most important thing

I remember being told, over and over again: “It’s not what you say. It’s how you say it.” Hearing it now brings back memories of being told my delivery was more important than the message. Though I have learned the importance of considering the audience, I still rail against tone policing and the dismissiveness that meets nonconventional delivery that defies neocolonial norms.


Response to writers

I wish to disagree somewhat with both letter writers under the headings: "Electorate has matured" and "No one guessed right in election predictions". Concerning the first heading: first of all I wish someone woul


Healthcare is a basic human right

THE Tribune has a long and proud editorial history of speaking its mind and doing so with conviction and reason.


Elections bring the silly season

EDITOR, The Tribune. Elections are truly the silly season. I say this, because you have family members of different political persuasions not speaking to one another because of one's belief. This is very disheartening, especially when we as parents teac


Elections bring the silly season

EDITOR, The Tribune. Elections are truly the silly season. I say this, because you have family members of different political persuasions not speaking to one another because of one's belief. This is very disheartening, especially when we as parents teac


Elections bring the silly season

EDITOR, The Tribune. Elections are truly the silly season. I say this, because you have family members of different political persuasions not speaking to one another because of one's belief. This is very disheartening, especially when we as parents teac