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‘Unions need to find a solution apart from industrial action’

FORMER Labour Director John Pinder says he believes union leaders should apply more skills to getting matters resolved outside of industrial action that features, among other tactics, large numbers of workers calling in sick.

Will a new Commissioner change things?

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander’s pedigree, mostly CID-DIU, could change things, but the data on where the guns come from causes me, and should cause everyone, serious anxiety that little will change.

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Jonquel reaches 2,500-point career milestone

JONQUEL Jones continued her momentum from the WNBA All-Star break and posted her seventh double double of the season.

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Tourism hopeful major strike damage avoided

The Bahamian tourism industry was yesterday hopeful that widespread, long-lasting damage from the Airport Authority strike may have been avoided even though most of the agency’s employees still failed to show for work.

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INSIGHT: What lessons will be learned from Exuma diesel spill?

THE diesel spill at the Old Navy Base cove last week turned all eyes on Exuma – and once more brought the discussion about how well we are protecting our environment to the fore.

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Ex-BPL union chief wants 74-month payout restored

A former Bahamas Power & Light (BPL) managerial union chief will today seek permission to appeal a verdict that slashed his “handsome windfall” of $621,000 in termination compensation by more than 75 percent.

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$500k needed to pay beach contractors

MCKELL Bonaby, executive chairman at Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority, says more than half a million dollars is owed to contract workers.

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Dirty money - The biggest policy failure of all

THE Central Bank’s former chief enforcer says the US and UK are the biggest recipients of “dirty money” and suggests racial bias against countries like The Bahamas in anti-money laundering (AML) programmes.

Minister pledges ‘polluter will pay’ over Exuma spill

A Cabinet minister yesterday pledged that “the polluter will pay”, with the Government “holding their breath” that last week’s Exuma oil spill does no long-lasting harm to the area’s marine life.

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IAN FERGUSON: Employers must wake up to staff discontent

The past two-and-a-half years have possibly seen the most dramatic shift in the labour market, and work environment, in Bahamian history. Unemployment rates during the pandemic hit unprecedented levels and now, two years later, as companies recover in leaps and bounds, frictional joblessness and mass resignation has become our new reality.

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Bahamas ‘can’t sit on laurels’ over digital assets regulation

The Securities Commission’s top executive has warned that The Bahamas “cannot sit on our laurels” as she disclosed that further reforms to tighten digital assets regulation will be unveiled “in the next few months”.

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STATESIDE: A true champion of the court and causes

BILL Russell died on the last day of July. He was 88 years old. He was also in many minds the greatest basketball player of all time.

Exuma oil spillage: ‘Polluter must pay’

An environmental activist yesterday said it was vital those responsible for last week’s Exuma oil spill pay the full clean-up cost and “meaningful penalties” to deter further pollution-related negligence.

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Cheque volumes fall 7.5% annually over past decade

The Central Bank’s governor yesterday said cheques cleared via the Bahamian banking system have decreased by 7.5 percent annually over the past decade with businesses, especially, dropping an instrument “very susceptible to fraud”.

Explorer: We won’t sell off Bahamas heritage

An underwater explorer has pledged not to sell or “split up” the valuable gems and historical artifacts it is recovering from the wreck of a centuries-old Spanish treasure galleon in Bahamian waters.

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PAHO: Be vigilant over monkeypox

THE Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has urged countries in the region to remain vigilant in light of monkeypox being declared a global health emergency.

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DIANE PHILLIPS: Who really named The Bahamas? Was it Lucayans, not the Spanish and does it really mean what we think?

FOR AS long as any of us can remember, we have believed what we have been tol that the Spanish who first discovered these islands in 1492 gave them their name, Bahama, meaning shallow sea.

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PETER YOUNG: Feasting on the fall of Boris and who replaces him

Some people consider political science is almost a misnomer. Politics is about power and influence and concerns the interaction between human beings while science is based on observation, measurement and interpretation of data in support of a theory or hypothesis.
