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Senior golfers tee off in the 58th Caribbean Amateur Championships

FOLLOWING the spirited performance of the juniors last week, golfers on the Bahamas’ senior national team teed off yesterday in the 58th Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships at the Sugarcane and East Courses at the Dorado Beach Resort in Puerto Rico.

URCA seeks to shorten reconnection time

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority wants to shorten the time communications service providers have to reconnect the services of people who are wrongfully disconnected or were disconnected because of non-payment.

Bahamas in 4th after day 2 of Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas is in a familiar fourth position following the second day of the the 27th Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships.

Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships wrap up

THE 2016 Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships closed out at the Ocean Club resort, Paradise Island, on Friday with the Bahamas remaining in the same position they occupied all week in both the men’s Hoerman Cup and the ladies’ George Teale Memorial Cup.

Nationals: Top junior golfers emerge

THE top junior golfers in the island nation emerged following the results of the Bahamas Golf Federation’s Junior Nationals.

Joe leads 76ers past Thunder in SLC Summer League 80-79

ISAIAH Joe made a go-ahead 3-pointer with 25 seconds left, his fourth of the game, and the Philadelphia 76ers beat the Oklahoma City Thunder 80-79 on Thursday on Day 3 of the Salt Lake City Summer League.

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Team Bahamas 4th at the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas fell short of their goal of getting into the top three with a fourth-place finish at the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships in Humacao, Puerto Rico.

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A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Give us a sporting chance for more golden moments

The entire Bahamas paused on Monday night to cheer on our nation’s golden superwoman Shaunae Miller as she ran and captured the gold medal in the 400 metres final at the Games of the 31st Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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MORE THAN 100K NOW VACCINATED . . . but confirmation of 20 more deaths shows COVID fight not over

THE Ministry of Health confirmed 20 additional COVID-19 deaths on the weekend, bringing the total to 557 to date.

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Junior golfers 'putt' Bahamas 5th overall

Team Bahamas produced a trio of top five finishers against elite junior golf talent in the region at the 31st edition of the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships.The team concluded the final round in fifth place in the race for the Hank James

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Bahamas in 5th place at Caribbean Amateur Jr Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas will have much ground to cover if they hope to contend against the region’s top junior golfers.

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Giants at the double

The New Providence Basketball Association championship series continued in both Division I and Division II.

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‘We’ll help - but don’t try to land’: Govt signals it won’t allow cruise ships to send anyone here

THE Bahamas government signalled yesterday that it will not accept people infected with COVID-19 from ships stranded in Bahamian waters despite a US Coast Guard bulletin that foreign-flagged vessels should seek help from countries in which they are registered.

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NPBA: Giants rout the Shockers 95-65, Regulators hold off Pros 93-90

THE Commonwealth Bank Giants, taking off from where they left before the Christmas break, was clicking on all cylinders as they routed the JD’s Seafood Shockers 95-65 at the AF Adderley Gymnasium on Saturday night.

Gov’t crackdown on 20-25% uninsured motorists is urged

The Government was yesterday urged to crack down on the 20-25 per cent of Bahamian motorists who are uninsured, given the increasing frequency of traffic accidents where victims have no compensation recourse.

Ed Bethel

And then there were three. On Monday, March 13, the media profession in The Bahamas lost a giant of a journalist and broadcaster, Mr Ed Bethel.

Wells, Rose lead race for trophy

HEADED into the final day of competition at the Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships, one pairing of Team Bahamas will attempt to cling to their position atop the leaderboard while others face an uphill climb toward contention.

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Executives evaluate site of beach soccer facility

FIFA, Beach Soccer Worldwide and Bahamas Football Association executives conducted a site visit this week to evaluate the Bahamas’ progress toward major beach soccer events.

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Professional basketball players making moves

BAHAMIAN professional basketball players in leagues around the globe continue to progress in their respective seasons while others have made the transition to new leagues.Kadeem Coleby continues to perform at an All-Star level for his first place Aki

Mixed fortunes for Bahamian pro basketball players in Europe and South America

This week produced varying results for Bahamian pro basketball players as their postseason runs continued in their respective leagues throughout Europe and South America.