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TheMadHatter 6 years, 4 months ago on Cooper blasts govt on Oban

Cooper is raising the wrong points...which are 1) Krieger's past history; 2) Dhunna's invisibility cloak; 3) Innaccurate projections of 10% GDP growth.

Those are fine points but they are not important at this time.

What IS important is that Oban has been given exemption from any income tax, which would absolve it from paying the 1/2% gross income business license fee, and exemption from VAT, and there is no provision for them to even pay ten cents per barrel of oil flowing out of their pipes. In fact, not even one red cent.

That's what people are pissed off about. Damn the environment and the rest of it. What's in it for us the ordinary people? 250 slave jobs? You know they will just annoy the employees until they quit and then they can hire foreigners. There will be no tech training for Bahamians.

We are doing a deal with the Devil but he won't even let us roast one marshmallow on his 5 billion dollar fire.

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bahamianson 4 years, 3 months ago on Atlantis’ plan to pay axed workers

I would suggest that the word " foreign", in regards to our international residents and friends is a bit offensive to them. It is because of " foreign" people that we have money in the country whether tourist, worker or resident. I object to you calling them an offensive term. I thank every "foreign " tourist that puts money in our hands, every "foreign" worker that has to pay for a work permit, and every " foreign " individual that has legally made my home their home. I welcome you brothers and sisters to my country, your country, our country!

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One 2 years, 11 months ago on The millionaires club

Remember this when you hear the excuse that there is no money. When the peasants are losing their jobs and wages are being cut. Check in to see if the Government officials will take a proportional pay cut as well. If you want to see change make a direct connection between performance and compensation. For example, the Minister of Education's compensation should be substantially connected to the nation's GPA. Set the base wage to minimum wage, after all, they believe it's a livable wage. Then define a bonus scale based on performance milestones.

Other appropriate performance metrics: Minister of National Security - reduction in gun violence, murders, robberies Minister of Health - mortality rates, wait times, obesity Minister of Works - Service reliability (reduction in # of power and water outages), service quality Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs - Case processing rates

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KapunkleUp 2 years, 5 months ago on DAVIS TELLS NEW COPS - BE CAREFUL: PM reminds officers of duty not to harm force’s reputation

That ship has already sailed. What he needs to focus on is rebuilding the reputation with proper independent oversight and accountability. Most cops, especially the higher ranks, think they God's gift to society.

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IslandWarrior 2 years, 5 months ago on Nearly 20% of small firms asked for bribes

Christian "in name"! ...there is and never was anything Christian about the Bahamas, maybe in times of need; Bahamians are very good at calling on the Lord, but indeed not in the day-to-day lives of Bahamians.

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tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago on US urges ‘greater focus’ on gaming, money transmission

We, as a country, continue to rue the day Christie, Davis and Sears spat in the face of the majority of Bahamians who voted "No" in a duly held national referendum to the legalization of the corrupt gaming activities of the despicable web shop thugs like Sebas Bastian and Craig Flowers.

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tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago on Royal Caribbean sets target of three million guests

They've all been 'bought' by the very corrupt cruise ship industry, especially Royal Caribbean. And Chester the Jester is laughing heartily all the way to the bank. The corrupt political ruling class get rewarded for selling out our country and we the Bahamian people get to suffer the dire consequences.

The 'all-for-them' cruise ship industry polutes our environment and does absolutely nothing for our economy and the vast majority of Bahamians. They are the reason why Downtown Nassau became a grave yard many years ago, long before the pandemic. Our country must pivot to emphasizing air arrival and land hotel staying visitors or perish.

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SP 2 years, 4 months ago on ‘URGENT’ MOVE ON CRIMEWAVE: PM holds conclave after recent spate of murders in nation

This conclave of fat clowns are to high faluten to understand these so called "gangs" are actually simply "networking" to survive using crime as the vehicle because it is the only avenue left available to them!

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DDK 1 year, 11 months ago on PM: Half our debt direct result of climate effects


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sheeprunner12 1 year, 9 months ago on Tough times - but people still gambling

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

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TalRussell 1 year, 9 months ago on Tough times - but people still gambling

Most trusted corner of street chatterbox reporting those experiencing "Catchin' Hell Tougher Times" Popoulaces' ... Well, they had held out higher expectations of Win payoff would be forthcoming rom the NumbersMans' Syndicate of The House-elected funded ― Yes?

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Sickened 1 year, 9 months ago on Tough times - but people still gambling

Legalizing gambling will go down in our history as the beginning of the downfall of our society. THANK YOU PLP. and thank you FNM for not reversing the PLP's corruption in the gaming industry - I guess you expected to keep the votes and power? Fools.

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One 1 year, 9 months ago on Tough times - but people still gambling

Gambling - an "industry" that preys on the desperate and weak minded and produces nothing but false hope

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trueBahamian 1 year, 9 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: How many of the warning signs of fascism do you see?

Bahamians like a lot of folks around the globe practice discrimination and try to justify it. We do have an immigration problem but an immigrant is still a person. They are still entitled to fair treatment. Even being illegal they still have rights as human beings. As a Bahamian I am sometimes ashamed at our attitude towards our brothers and sisters from Haiti. People are people. Nationality doesn't make you less than human.

If we want to say we're a Christian nation we need to put Christ back in Christian.

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Sickened 1 year, 9 months ago on BERMUDA COSTS ‘WILL BE’ PAID UP: PM admits PLP cheque did not cover full costs

For some reason Tribune no longer wants us to comment on soooo many stories. Only 1 of 8 stories to opened to comment - and none of them are court matters. What happened? PLP getting upset?

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carltonr61 1 year, 8 months ago on No decision - but damaged Columbus statue moved

Every nation has its unique historical tapestry, but The Bahamas is not a permanent place where we guard our lace in history. What The Creator designed was erased from our unique tapestry by a pen stroke which I hope was instead preserved for prosperity. To mere men, history is a whim and fancy represented by fleeting narratives without a cause. That Columbus died 200 years before the first black African came to our shores, but somehow ignoring the participation of the then Portuguese great sea power and their initial finding of gold in what is now Brazil we will find historical honesty.