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Dawes 6 years, 1 month ago on DPM says 'open to all' 12% VAT alternatives

At least the income tax is fairer to those that can afford it. As to all others why not a mix of them? If the civil service is overstaffed then reduce it. The private sector should not be forced to downsize due to these tax increases so that the Civil service can be OK. On real property, you don't even need to increase it, just collect what is owed.

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DDK 6 years, 1 month ago on Web shop industry: 2,000 jobs will be lost due to tax hikes

They will find other jobs if and when the private sector recovers from its near annihilation due to the proliferation of gaming shops. Do The Bahamas a favour and close all your doors.

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realfreethinker 6 years, 1 month ago on Web shop industry: 2,000 jobs will be lost due to tax hikes

So they announce the increase taxes last week and in less than a week a "study" was done to determine that "2000" jobs will be lost? What kind of hatchet job study could produce that info so quickly. Base on the 10 years expert info the gov will only collect $35mil dollars on a $400mil a year industry, less than 10 percent,what is he complaining about. These clowns really think we are all fools.

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hrysippus 6 years, 5 months ago on DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department

The taxman deserves every bit of bullying. He or she is a fiscal parasitic lackey secure in his or her government job living at the expense of every tax paying Bahamian. Constipated petty bureaucrats are the lowest form of social life, right alongside corrupt politicians and predatory pastors.

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themessenger 6 years, 5 months ago on ‘Sin tax’ sacrifice needed to fund NHI

Tal, four indulgences our poor and near poor does likes more than anyting else in da world is chicken, crabbie, liquors and numbers, all a which puttin money in da wrong set a people pocket. Why y'all don tax folks likesTiger an Sebas dem some more.

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BahamaRed 6 years, 5 months ago on Passenger suffers broken arm as car and jitney collide

I fail to see why the public transportation system isn't ran as one operation. They do it all over the world, why can't we.

Pay these guys a set salary with benefits and give them a route with set stops and times to be at each stop.

I'm so sick of the slack lawless behavior in this country. So friggin rogue...

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BMW 6 years, 5 months ago on Minister speaks on plane 'wreckage'

For gods sake match the paint scheme. Not hard to tell if the wreckage has been in saltwater for 2 or 3 years! I call that explanation BULLSHIT!!!!!!

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bogart 6 years, 5 months ago on DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department

...sadly there is noone to complain to about any wrongdoings by govt or its agencies and lawyers will usually claim a conflict on confronting govt or any agency for fear of not receiving a favourable response in the future. MP and the press are a last resort. Added is the small person uusually has no money to launch a legal protest so many poor just walk away. Thankfully there is always the press ......and even so many still do not report it for fear of somebody or their family getting back at you the aggreived for causing 'trouble' or getting themselves into trouble.....read the article.

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Dawes 6 years, 5 months ago on RBC executive retires after blasting education of nation

Has no one thought that maybe he knew his retirement was coming up before he spoke. He therefore decided he could say what he felt were the true issues facing this country and it wouldn't matter. As it is, instead of us showing him that he is either wrong and proving it, or he is right and we should change, we decide to foam at the mouth in righteous indignation and do nothing. All while we complain about our wages stagnating and the economy hardly growing and praying that something might change, but if it does we scream that we don't want XYZ to change.

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themessenger 6 years, 5 months ago on Refinery 'a death knell'

If anyone thinks an oil refinery is a good thing for Grand Bahama or anywhere else in the country for that matter, take a look at the benefits being reaped by Nigeria, a country that embraced that industry.


Do you really think our Government ready to take on these people?? Go figure!

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bogart 6 years, 5 months ago on Refinery 'a death knell'

......go to the root of the problem.?. We elect leaders based on their Charisma....few technocrats...who become part of the nomenklatura....fixed unyeilding group related just continuing the old ways...noone rocks the boat.... Y Capitalizing on what we have, sun, sand, sea. We should have had search parties to put together electricity from tidal currents, solar power, use pf sand for glass, solar panels, etc However the nomenklatura just continues along the same path of collecting the monthly paychecks and voters voting govts out

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proudloudandfnm 6 years, 3 months ago on Oban refinery - ’it makes no sense’

I've been saying this all along.

I have a question. If a legit organisation actually wanted to build a refinery would they hire a boat salesman as VP of Operations?

This whole Oban deal stinks. Minnis is either on the take or he is the laziest PM we have ever had. Either way this is big enough that Minnis should do the right thing and step down. Let an actual leader take over. Maybe then something can actually happen in Freeport.

I also wonder if this Obam deal was meant to distract us from the hotel sales process? Seems that effort has died.


I wouldn't vote for this FNM ever. Especially the Freeport 5. You have ALL let us down and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are all incredibly wrong for your silence while Freeport dies. Shame on every one of you...

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hrysippus 6 years, 5 months ago on Gov't needs 'high gear' to reverse corruption slide

Politicians generally are a greedy bunch, . ... They want to get paid, and want daily, a free lunch, . ... ... ...... After only eight years of working, they get a pension for their life, . .. ..
...The rest of us taxpayers have a life of graft and strife, . . . .... Most all of them appointed to one board or another, . . ... .... Pulling in an extra salary, sometimes with little bother, . .. ..... The house of Assembly is in recess for several months each year, . .. . . But members still paid monthly even if flying off somewhere, . . .... And when they fly, its all first class, the hotel room as well, ..... . .. Bringing plenty sycophants as best as I can tell. . . .. .. Some even bring their wives, for why I'm not too sure, . ... .. ... The Bahamian taxpayer paying their holiday offshore. . . .... And with all this some are still corrupt, . .. .. ......... So we voters feel like that ewe Othello tupped..

Read your Shakespeare.

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Chucky 6 years, 3 months ago on Sebas: We’re trying to protect players

Bahamian's vote in support oof these number houses each and every time they place a bet. Referendum results irrelevant, people want this, or they would be out of business, not thriving.

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DonAnthony 6 years, 4 months ago on Miller: EY ‘stooped so low’ over my lunch bill

Is Mr. Miller blind to so many conflicts of interest? Let’s see he just happened to obtain a $28 million dollar loan from a bank predominantly owned by the government, one where govt officials can dictate who is granted loans and on what terms. Why did he not obtain a loan from a privately owned bank? Then he is granted a huge lease from the government while he is a member of the same government. Then he is moved from one cushy government chairmanship to another all the while having corporations that are losing millions of dollars pay for his lunch and heavens knows what else. What a parasite. We need to privatize as many govt corporations as possible and those we do not should be managed independently from government influence. We need legislation to ban all members of parliament and their families from any government contract or lease. No wonder Mr. Miller loved being in government so much, he was a parasite to the Bahamian taxpayer. This lease needs to be canceled immediately and let Mr. Miller challenge it in court. A broke country like The Bahamas can not afford such cronyism any more.