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Pharmacy sector at odds over medical marijuana

THE body that regulates the Bahamian pharmaceutical industry yesterday appeared at odds with the association that represents its members over how widely the latter was consulted on the marijuana reforms.

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Bran slams ‘absurdity’ of medical marijuana plans

The Democratic National Alliance’s (DNA) ex-leader yesterday slammed planned legal reforms for the distribution of medical marijuana as “an absurdity” and warned they could endanger patient lives.


Pharmacist chief hits out on ‘catastrophic’ marijuana Bills

The Bahamas Pharmaceutical Association’s (BPA) president yesterday accused the Government of making “catastrophic changes” via the medical marijuana Bills that will cause the profession’s “downfall”.

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'Horrendous' surge in contractor walk-aways

The Bahamian Contractors Association's (BCA) president yesterday revealed there has been "an horrendous" increase in complaints over the past 12-18 months about contractors abandoning clients.

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WORLD VIEW: It’s time the UN Security Council acts to stop the killing in Gaza

THE escalation of violence in Gaza by Israel has prompted a global outcry, marking a rising disgust, particularly among the young, of what is widely regarded as a hugely disproportionate response to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

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FRONT PORCH: Attitudes towards the disabled must change

WE live in a highly materialistic society in which many of us measure our self-worth by our possessions, ranging from the vehicles we drive to the brand name clothes which adorn our perfumed accents, bodies and privileges.

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Powerade sponsors BAARK! Potcakeman Triathlon for 10th year

BAARK! (Bahamas Alliance for Animal Rights & Kindness) is scheduled to host its eleventh triathlon at Jaws Beach on Sunday, February 25.

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ONE ELEUTHERA FOUNDATION – Educational tourism: A sustainable and transformative niche

In an era where travel is increasingly driven by unique experiences and personal enrichment, niche tourism, particularly Educational Tourism, is emerging as a transformative force not only for travelers but also for small local economies and social development.


Economics and crime

Thanks again in advance for space to address two issues sure to intersect in ways some of us cannot imagine or desire if we can: Economics and crime!


Prodigal Sons told they must pay back $30,000 seed money by March

THE Prodigal Sons has until March 31 to repay the government $30k in seed money after failing to participate in the recent Boxing Day and New Year’s Day parades, the Ministry of Youth, Sports & Culture said in a statement yesterday.


Prodigal Sons forced to return $30K seed funding

The Prodigal Sons Junkanoo Group will be forced to return $30,000 in seed funding to the government after the Category A group dropped out of both the 2023 Boxing Day and 2024 New Year’s Day parades.


NIB move saves drug access for thousands

The National Insurance Board (NIB) last night went manual to preserve access to essential medicines for thousands of Bahamians after the National Prescription Drug Plan’s IT system crashed.

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FRONT PORCH: Removal of pride is necessary to experience mercy

PRIDE is a master of disguise. It cloaks itself in all manner of outlandish costumes, intending to mislead oneself and others. Its powers of obfuscation are immense. Pride is so clever, so insidious that it tricks and befuddles our truer selves like a distorting funhouse mirror at a carnival.

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GB ready for National Youth Month

A slew of events announced for Grand Bahama young people during National Youth Month.

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THE KDK REPORT: The load we carry

DOCTORS told Emily with a modicum of certainty that she’d never be able to have children. She was 21 at the time. Diagnosed with a severe form of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), her ovaries were inundated with cysts and for months she’d been exhibiting irregular menstration, weight gain and excess body hair. Emily was happy to finally have an answer that adequately explained all her symptoms but the news that she would never have children was devastating.

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STATESIDE: The history of abortion issue in the US

THERE has been reporting and commentary in The Tribune in recent days about some issues that are important to a lot of women here and in the United States. (And to a lot of men, too).

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FACE TO FACE: Bahamasair reaching new heights for its golden jubilee

WHEN the architects of an independent Bahamas foresaw the success of this country driven by a people united in service, they made the decision that a national airline would be essential. It would serve as an initial introduction to the Bahamas, welcoming the world to our shores, even before the passengers arrive on Bahamian soil.


Pharmacist concerns over medical marijuana licences

Concerns have been voiced that persons and companies lacking pharmaceutical and medical qualifications can obtain licences to operate marijuana dispensaries under the Government's proposed regulatory regime.

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MARIJUANA LEGAL PLANS REVEALED: Bills would ease restrictions on religion and medicine use - but recreation ‘an offence’

THE Davis administration released a compendium of bills that would transform cannabis use in The Bahamas from a strictly illegal activity to an industry regulated for medical, recreational, religious and scientific research purposes.


Industrial hemp legislation to follow medical marijuana

The Attorney General yesterday said the Government is "working on" legislation that will eventually facilitate industrial hemp usage as it makes medical marijuana legalisation its first priority.
