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Cat Island firms slam short notice lockdown

Cat Island businesses yesterday slammed the 24-hour notice that the Prime Minister gave of the island’s two-week lockdown as “totally unacceptable” since persons had too little time to prepare.

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Moultrie blasts Budget forecasts as ‘illusion’

HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie has criticised the revenue projections of the 2021/2022 Budget, calling them an “unrealistic political mirage” and an “illusion”.

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CEO: Home port will benefit Bahamas

ROYAL Caribbean Cruise Line set sail from Nassau during its inaugural homeport voyage on Saturday.

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Digital payments player sees off Sebas seizure

A Bahamian digital payments provider has successfully fought off a bid to seize control of its operations by fully repaying the debt owed to Sebas Bastian’s investment house.


PLP to ‘encourage’ bank licences for Bahamians

The Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) deputy leader is promising to “encourage the Central Bank” to grant commercial bank licences to three Bahamian groups if elected to office on September 16.

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Man fined for violating bail conditions

A MAN who claimed he violated his bail conditions because he left his residence to “cool down” after getting into an argument with his girlfriend was on Friday fined $2,500.



Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) has moved closer to its high net worth clients by opening an office at Albany to serve such customers.

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GB requires ‘critical mass like yesterday’

Grand Bahama’s Chamber of Commerce president says the island needs to regain critical mass “like yesterday”, adding: “We desperately need jobs here.”


‘More efficient’ E-Cabinet set to launch today

The Minnis government will today use its “e-Cabinet” system for the first time in a bid to make the top decision-making body “more efficient and effective” a Cabinet minister revealed yesterday.



SCOTIABANK (Bahamas) has introduced a payment system that allows customers to convert large credit card purchases into smaller monthly installments.

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Families displaced after Haitian community fire

SEVERAL families have been displaced after a structural fire in a Haitian community just off the Kool Acres Subdivision last night.

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Man claimed he groped girl accidentally

A 27-year-old man who claimed he accidentally groped a little girl in the back of a local food store because he was high on drugs was yesterday fined $1,000.

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DIANE PHILLIPS: The grinches who stole Christmas

TODAY is Christmas Eve. At least technically it is Christmas Eve. For all those who had plans to gather with family tonight or tomorrow and had to cancel those plans, thanks to the grinches who stole Christmas, it doesn’t feel like Christmas Eve.

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Freeport escapes next ‘nail in coffin’

Freeport yesterday escaped “another nail in the coffin” after private sector lobbying persuaded the government to delay implementation of Customs’ new system until September 2021 at earliest.


Not so simple to visit The Bahamas

I have just read Hotel Worker’s Union President Darrin Wood’s almost unbelievable statement that people “will think twice about jumping on a plane” and coming to The Bahamas.


Saving our way of life depends on vaccines

Your columnist Simon hit the nail on the head in reference to people who do not get the vaccine. At the moment societies tolerate these people.

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PLP promises free testing for anyone concerned about exposure to virus

THE Progressive Liberal Party has pledged to offer free testing to Bahamians concerned they have been exposed to COVID-19 and to reform the government’s food assistance programme if it wins the next general election.


Level of debt facing the nation

On September 24th, just a few days after the election, we heard the news that the financial Agency - Moody/5 - had seriously downgraded The Bahamas. On September 24th, the National debt stood at $10.35 billion, plus days of 0.13 million and ticking.

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No extension for thief’s appeal bid

THE Court of Appeal yesterday refused the extension of time application of a man attempting to appeal the sentence he received for breaking into a humanitarian aid organisation in Abaco to steal building supplies.

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Adventure of the Seas set for inaugural voyage from Nassau

AFTER a 50-year relationship with The Bahamas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has resumed sailing and will sail from Nassau during its inaugural homeport voyage on Saturday.