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‘Well being of The Bahamas does not permit us to accede to Amnesty International’s request’

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe rebuffed Amnesty International’s call for countries to suspend repatriations to Haiti and revealed that two Royal Bahamas Defence Force vessels departed for Haiti with 263 Haitian nationals on Tuesday.

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Adrian Gibson says roads in Long Island are in ‘unacceptable’ shape

THE state of the roads in Long Island has been criticised by the local Member of Parliament, Adrian Gibson, who declared: “Enough is enough!”


Two year wait for MSC deal

The obviously rushed for PR effect HOA with MSC for further expansion at their treasure island Ocean Cay raises a critical question … declared that the proposal for the $100m development was pending more than two years! By the way Ocean Cay has nothing to do with Bimini or West End.


Passengers of Western Air have scare on Grand Bahama flight

TERRIFIED Western Air passengers prayed and braced for impact on Saturday as their plane made an emergency landing.


Balmoral residents threaten exit if $25m hotel go-ahead

Several residents are threatening to sell their properties if the Balmoral Club’s proposed $25m condo hotel expansion receives the go-ahead from the planning authorities.

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DR KENT BAZARD – Daily resolve over annual resolutions

AS we stand on the threshold of a new year, it’s a tradition for many to embark on a journey of self-improvement through the ritual of New Year’s resolutions. We enthusiastically declare our intentions to shed those extra pounds, hit the gym religiously, or nally conquer our fitness goals.

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Exempt app has led to 90 percent increase in revenue at LPIA, says financial secretary

FINANCIAL Secretary Simon Wilson said the Exempt App has led to a 90 per cent increase in customer revenue at the Lynden Pindling International Airport, calling the customs app a “success story” despite complications some travellers have experienced.


Bahamians turn out to be baptised during ‘Reaping the Harvest’ weekend

More than 20 individuals gave their lives to Christ and were baptised by water in during a special weekend hosted by Life Changers Ministries International (LCMI).


Haiti a failed state since start

EVER since, if not before, it successfully declared its independence in 1804 following her defeat of a contingent of the Napoleonic army, Haiti has been and remains to this very day, the classical case of a ‘failed state’.

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CHURCH PROTESTS PRIDE EVENT AT UB...but the university declares it is free of ‘undue influence’

THE University of the Bahamas declared its independence from “undue influence” yesterday after the Bahamas Christian Council protested an LGBT-related event planned for this month.

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Challenge on religious use of cannabis fails

A SUPREME Court judge rejected a challenge from the Rastafarian community on the constitutionality of laws prohibiting the possession and use of marijuana, even for religious purposes.

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Police ‘have technology to catch assassins’

POLICE have the technology to determine who is receiving assassination orders from inmates at the Bahamas Department of Corrections and the resources to prove someone is a gang member, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said yesterday.

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Bill tabled to regulate longevity and regenerative therapies in the country

POLICE have the technology to determine who is receiving assassination orders from inmates at the Bahamas Department of Corrections and the resources to prove someone is a gang member, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said yesterday.

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PLEA OVER DORIAN DEATH CERTIFICATES: ‘I just want peace and to move on’ after mother and brother were killed

FOUR years after her mother and brother died during Hurricane Dorian, Sitha Silien says she just wants to find peace and move on with her life – a dream that would only be made possible after she obtains her loved ones’ death certificates.

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PM is waiting on details from Urban Renewal on gun amnesty initiative

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said he is awaiting details from Urban Renewal regarding a gun amnesty initiative.


Sixth Best of the Best Regatta in Montagu Bay this weekend

WITH sailing now officially declared the national sport of The Bahamas, the hype has intensified as the skippers and their crew get their boats ready to compete in the sixth Best of the Best Sloop Sailing Regatta in Montagu Bay this weekend.

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MP Cornish apologises on Abaco PM statement

NORTH Abaco MP Kirk Cornish apologised yesterday for declaring himself prime minister of Abaco.


Large taxpayers promised ‘crème de la crème’ service

The Government’s senior revenue official has pledged that large companies will receive “crème de la crème” service when the Large Taxpayer Unit is launched next month.

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Judge says no to gag order in Gibson case

A Supreme Court judge cautioned the press yesterday to report accurate information concerning Adrian Gibson’s corruption trial after deciding not to impose a gag order barring journalists from reporting the case.


'Vexatious' litigant loses new 2,000-acre Ginn bid

A “vexatious” litigant has lost his latest bid to be declared owner of some 2,000 acres at the former Ginn project despite calls dating back to 2018 that he be barred from launching such actions.