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‘Put money with mouth’ to escape IMF clutches

The Bahamas must “put our money where our mouth is” and prove to global investors why it will not require an International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme to escape its economic and fiscal woes, a top banker said yesterday.


Independence ...from what?

I must once again give a salute to the amazing Lady Pam Burnside. She states the truth that this country will never move forward until the majority of the people are elevated to receive the goodness and richness of our land. Majority is ruled, rather than given the power to rule. It is blatantly evident that the oligarchy and the rich still wield the heavy hand in this land.


Settlements of lawsuits & independence

Please permit me to share my views and comments in respect to what appears to be a predisposition on the part of the government to settle lawsuits without the benefit of having certain issues raised therein judicially ventilated and determined by the courts.

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Pintard sees ‘arrogance’ growing in government

Opposition leader Michael Pintard yesterday described the Davis administration as one that does not comply with laws and suggested that he was beginning to see seeds of “arrogance” grow in the new day government.

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Branville: ‘it’s time for action’ on shanty towns

BRANVILLE McCartney, a former state minister for immigration, called on both political parties to “stop all the committees”, saying that it is time for action on shanty towns.

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Union chief: ‘We’ve been taken for a ride too long’

The hotel union’s president says it is “diametrically opposed” to the industry’s proposal that tipped employees receive less than a full minimum wage increase, saying: “We’ve been taken for a ride for too long.”


Roundabout suggestions

While I fully endorse the view expressed by Athena Damianos, with respect to the QC/BNT roundabout, perhaps, if the Government has some money for “Roundabouts”, it may wish to convert the nightmare that is the Village and Eastern Roads mess.


National symbols

Ministry of National Security correctly, especially with the 50th anniversary, puts out a warning concerning the use of the National Crest and other symbols of the State.


EDITORIAL: Pintard puts Davis in quandary over reshuffle

THERE is something of a political game going on between the leaders of the two major parties in our country at present.


Aviation fees dispute hits ‘diplomatic level’

THE DEPUTY prime minister says the Government is engaging at the “diplomatic level” with the US government over airline accusations that The Bahamas’ air navigation fees are discriminatory and anti-competitive.

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PM: No immediate move to demolish shanty towns

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis suggested on Friday that the government will not immediately move to demolish shanty towns despite the recent lifting of a court injunction, saying it makes no sense “responding to a crisis to create another crisis”.


Let us pray

A FORMER Barbados and International fast bowler (Cricketer) Pastor Courtney Selman, now radio Evangelist, believes that he was Divinely called to “make this clarion call globally in order to make our world a better one.” He thinks, “this can be achieved by calling the 2.2 billion Christians and 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide to regular corporate daily prayer.

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‘Victimised’ public servants urged ‘come forward’

PRESS Secretary Clint Watson has urged public servants who claim victimisation to come forward and seek recourse through the proper channels.

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HOTELS: HELP US TO DEAL WITH BPL HIKE – Meeting to discuss ways to mitigate rise in fuel costs

HOTELIERS plan to meet with executives of Bahamas Power and Light next week to discuss ways to mitigate the effects of the increased fuel surcharge for hotels and large property owners.


EDITORIAL: Ingraham stirs up the political plot

DESPITE his absence from the front-line for many years, there is no one who can quite stir up the political scene quite like former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham. Like him or not, he gets people talking.


Grand Bahama airport bids range from $50m to $150m

Three shortlisted bidders are offering to invest between $50m to $150m in redeveloping Grand Bahama International Airport (GBIA), the deputy prime minister said yesterday, with the latter’s new Board charged with selecting the winner.


Davis on court case backlog

On Tuesday, 28th, June 2022, I was taken aback after hearing the Hon Prime Minister’s charge regarding the backlog of criminal cases and how the High Courts of the Commonwealth of Bahamas ought to step up to the plate. This appears to be an assertion in error by the Hon Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis.


EDITORIAL: Atlantis goes from up for sale to new investment

THERE has been quite the turnaround at Atlantis – and that’s welcome news.

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AF Adderley shooting victim was on bail

THE man shot and killed on Sunday outside of AF Adderley’s gymnasium was on bail and being electronically monitored, according to Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle yesterday.

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OFFICER TELLS OF AZARIO SHOOTING: Police witness said an officer yelled ‘he has a gun’ before they fired on him

A POLICE officer at Woody’s Bar on Fire Trail Road when Azario Major was killed said four officers shot the 31-year-old after one shouted: “Gun, gun, he has a gun!”