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Aviation ‘stability’ threat over exam requirement

PILOTS are voicing fears that “the stability and efficiency” of Bahamian aviation will be “undermined” if regulators press forward with plans to mandate they pass an exam for which many are ill-prepared.

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Opposition: $437m revenue increase ‘does not add up’

THE Government’s forecast $437m revenue jump for the upcoming 2024-2025 fiscal year represents an increase eight times’ greater than the pace of economic growth according to Budget numbers.

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Sebas shuts Aeropost business

SEBAS Bastian last night said his Aeropost logistics business is closing its Bahamas operations because this is the only one of its 30-plus territories “where we did not experience material growth”.

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Pintard’s ‘bold’ plan after landslide win

AFTER comprehensively defeating former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis at the FNM’s one-day convention on Saturday, Michael Pintard promised to make “bold” transformative changes if the party is returned to power at the next general election – vowing to reform land policies, reduce taxes, and improve the ease of doing business in the country.

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‘Live up to promises’ on CLICO compensation

THE Government was yesterday urged to “live up to its promises” to fully compensate CLICO victims after zero funds were allocated for this in next year’s Budget and successive fiscal years.


Marinas urge ‘rogue crack down’ with fee increases

Bahamian marinas yesterday urged the Government to “crack down on rogue” operators and private docks as it moves to introduce jetty, mooring and groin fee increases of up to “20 percent”.

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Wilson says reporter’s claim that he lied to media is ‘unfounded’

FINANCIAL Secretary Simon Wilson called a Nassau Guardian reporter’s claim that he had lied to the media “scandalous” and “unfounded” - in a row between the two at a briefing on the 2024-2025 Budget at the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday.

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Halkitis defends govt’s $10m salary review

ECONOMIC Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis defended the Davis administration’s decision to allocate $10m toward reviewing salaries in the public sector.

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$500m swing in forecast prompts call for answers

The Government has completely overturned its medium-term Budget projections by forecasting a more than half-a-billion dollar swing that will drive it to a $448.2m fiscal surplus at end-June 2026.

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FNM: Financial Secretary must apologize, go to anger management after row with reporter

The Free National Movement is calling for an immediate and "full-throated" rebuke of Financial Secretary Simon Wilson after his volatile exchange with a reporter at a press briefing today.

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OPM condemns verbal 'attack' by reporter

Acting Press Secretary in The Office of Prime Minister Keishla Adderley has condemned what she described as a 'personal attack' against a government official at the weekly press briefing today.


Key tax arrears jump 31% to hit $1.325bn

Total tax arrears due to the Government from three key revenue streams increased by 31 percent to $1.325bn during the nine months to end-March 2024, it was revealed yesterday.


Manufacturers hail Customs bond end

Manufacturers yesterday hailed the Government’s decision to eliminate the Customs bond and 45 percent machine parts duty as “a huge benefit” that will help them compete on a more “level playing field”.

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Scepticism greets Govt’s 1-1.5% deficit projection

Fiscal analysts and the Opposition yesterday voiced scepticism that the Government will hit its revised deficit target range of $146m-$219m for the current fiscal 2023-2024 fiscal year.


National service is not a new thing

Haven’t gone through most of this day’s daily and something got my attention on page nine, under the theme “General election in Britain in July”.


Bushfire claim is not accurate

All Coral Harbour residents, including some Ministers, who he could have consulted and long-time residents will vouch year in year out the pine forest along the Coral Harbour Road catches afire


Cousin testifies Gibson said he felt ‘framed’

LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson reportedly believed his ex-fiancée framed and threw him “under the bus” by blaming alleged criminal activities at the Water and Sewerage Corporation on him.


Need for harsher penalties

TO begin, I would like to express my complete agreement with the Bahamian people who advocate for stronger measures to combat the importation and possession of illegal weapons.

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Pintard: ‘Moment of truth’ on new FTX accusations

The Opposition’s leader last night warned that The Bahamas’ reputation as an international financial and business centre is in danger if the latest FTX claims are not investigated as “a matter of urgency”.


Developer to unleash $1bn in properties over 5-6 years

A Bahamian developer is aiming to unleash $1bn in new real estate within the next five to six years as it likened this nation’s high-end property market to Long Island’s upscale Hamptons community.
