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‘We got nothing, we are forgotten,’ says a survivor of the HMBS Flamingo sinking

YEARS after Cuban military jet fighters attacked the HMBS Flamingo, stirring national unity among Bahamians, some Royal Bahamas Defence Force survivors believe they have not been sufficiently recognised and are disappointed about not being compensated for what happened.


Auto H & L borrowers hit by excess interest

Several thousand Bahamians may have been over-charged interest on loans issued by one of this nation’s largest used car dealers, it was revealed yesterday.


Blackbeard's Cay Dolphin Rescue

Five dolphins were rescued from Blackbeard's Cay/Balmoral Island between May 9 and 10.


BPL must stay under URCA

Take the already high electricity rates out of the supervision of URCA means one single fact … the Davis-Cooper Government does not want to be re-elected … this is suicide for them and a catastrophe for the consumers.


Stellar PLP has still more to do

THE iconic Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) will celebrate its half way mark back in elective office within a few short months.


Annoyed by lawless motorcyclists

THE quiet of Sunday evening out west was broken for hours by the wheeling hoard of 10-15 motorcyclists doing their thing on West Bay…right across each side of the street.

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The wreck of the HMS Conqueror near Rum Cay

THOUGH the lore of shipwrecks is often embellished, that of HMS Conqueror on Rum Cay often has the date, the destination, and basic historical facts reported incorrectly. It wrecked on 13 December, 1861 (not the 29th), it was not the first propeller ship in the Royal Navy (HMS Rattler was in 1842), and the ship was on its way to Bermuda, not Mexico. HMS Conqueror was a two-decked steam-screw (propeller) ship, first-rate, of the line, 240 feet long, 55 feet wide, and 34 feet deep.


Travel for the PM is crucial

With the traditional Easter Season upon us, as a professed Christian nation, I will be as neutral as possible. Many have asked why it is the Prime Minister and assorted delegations have been travelling the globe to meet with other Heads of State and governmental leaders. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that public funds are being wasted on such trips. I beg to differ.


PM is well suited for finance role

IT WAS written by the revered Chinese sage and philosopher, Confucius in 500 BC that “the ruler of a country of a thousand chariots must give diligent attention to business; he must be sincere; he must be economical; he must love his people; and he must provide employment for his people at the proper seasons”.


Issues at BTC and Road Traffic

Paying bills … real life went to a cash payment service. Tried to pay BTC by debit card... service down... bill expiring today alternative to pay cheque or cash. You see the two reliable substitutes are always available when the new IT fails. Who authorised retailers to refuse Bahamian cash? Isn't that illegal?

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Photographer and artist Margaret Guillaume dies age 76.

PHOTOGRAPHER and artist Margaret Guillaume has died, aged 76.


Crime is not out of control

HERE in our wonderful nation a lot of people are up in arms, pardon the pun, over crime and the fear of crime. Basically, despite the perception, crime is NOT out of control. Yes, there are challenges but nothing insurmountable, in my considered view.


Haiti a failed state since start

EVER since, if not before, it successfully declared its independence in 1804 following her defeat of a contingent of the Napoleonic army, Haiti has been and remains to this very day, the classical case of a ‘failed state’.


PM Davis is a man on fire

The PLP was returned to power in 2021, a little short of three years ago, under the stellar leadership of the Hon Philip "Brave" Davis, KC, MP.


Sowing bad seeds and expecting a good harvest

Some have questioned why I, over these many decades, would regularly submit editorial letters and articles for publication in the media.

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$250m resort requires ‘meaningful’ Bahamian participation to succeed

THE developer behind Grand Bahama’s $250m Six Senses resort project says it will struggle to succeed without “really meaningful” participation by Bahamians in all aspects of its build-out.


This is my land

I wish simply to underscore and reiterate the brilliant submission lately by my two great and honoured friends, Dianne Phillips and Ortland H. Bodie re. ownership by young Bahamians.


Housing crisis needs solving

It has long been accepted that there is a severe affordable housing crisis here in the capital island of New Providence. This did not just pop up out of the proverbial blue but has been fueled by the apparent lazy, laid back modus operandi and non-innovative approach of our home grown urban designers and politicians, across the political chess board.

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Quaker issues revised recall notice with additional products due to possible health risk

The Quaker Oats Company through its authorized distributor THOMPSON TRADING announced on Friday an expansion of the December 20th, 2023, recall...


Crying wolf too often on crime?

I have postulated before and I will do so again, in saying, without fear of contradiction that crime, per se, is not out of control. Yes, it is to be readily admitted that the inordinate spike in alleged homicides is problematic, but most all other types of crimes and criminal offences are trending downwards. Mind you, any type of crime poses destabilising effects of the economy and national life but, I submit, the average Bahamian is apparently getting hysterical or worse.
