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DIANE PHILLIPS: Our love-hate relationship with Jeopardy

LIKE millions of others, my husband and I watch Jeopardy every night, well, just about every weekday night. I don’t know why we are addicted when we lose so consistently. It’s like asking to be punished and going back the next day and the next and the next after that for more punishment, hoping somehow after enough punishment, there will be a reward.


Retailer’s $10m spend creates up to 70 job

A Bahamian retailer yesterday said its $10m eastern New Providence investment, which has created 60-70 jobs, attracted more consumer traffic than expected during Saturday’s opening.

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Antigen test kits checked for fault

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville says his ministry is investigating after being cautioned by an international health agency about several potential “substandard” COVID-19 antigen testing kits imported to the country from India.

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Bahamian retailer expands eastward

A well-known Bahamian retailer yesterday said it is aiming to complete its eastern New Providence expansion in time for Christmas 2021 and reach a market segment currently underserved.


PM urged: ‘Flip switch’ over true meritocracy

The Prime Minister was yesterday urged to “flip the switch” and transform The Bahamas from a political patronage-based system to a meritocracy, an ex-political leader warning: “We can’t afford for them to fail.”


A nation in which God is fair game, but the judiciary is a sacred cow

I must confess at the outset that I am not an expert on the Bahamian Constitution.

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ALICIA WALLACE: All you wanted to know but were frightened to ask

The US Embassy has been flying the Pride flag for two weeks as Pride Month continues. It is a great time to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community. If you do not know what the L, G, B, T, Q, or plus stands for, get ready to learn.

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FACE TO FACE: An independent voice on a different path within Christianity

RELIGION in The Bahamas has been dominated by Christian denominations; in fact, about 90 percent of the population ascribes to some form of Christianity. About 30 percent are Baptist, 23 percent are Pentecostal, 14 percent Catholic, 10 percent Anglican, five percent Seventh-Day Adventist, and four percent Methodist. The remainder includes various Christian and non-Christian religions like Greek Orthodox, Rastafari, Baha’i, Jehovah Witness, Muslim, Obeah and Hinduism.


Water Corp’s debt to top supplier at ‘all time high’

The Water & Sewerage Corporation’s debt to its main BISX-listed supplier has hit “an all-time high” of $21.7m as COVID-19 continues to erode the government’s ability to prop up the cash-strapped utility.

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Cancelling CARIFTA swimming, water polo ‘the correct decision’

Due to the increase in cases in the coronavirus pandemic, the Barbados Aquatic Sports Association (BASA) announced over the weekend that they will have to cancel the CARIFTA Swimming and Water Polo competition for the second consecutive year.

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Grand Bahama engineer dies

Well-known Grand Bahama engineer and contractor Philip T English died this weekend while in hospital.

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WORLD VIEW: No, the idea of CARICOM is not dead

A commentary, published on March 8 by Camillo Gonsalves, a Minister of the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines, was headlined “Every Island for itself’. The first line was unequivocal in stating “The idea of CARICOM died on December 16, 2020”.


Markle and the Palace

It would seem that — according to the world of former actress Meghan Markle – ancient Buckingham Palace should have changed its age-old traditions to accommodate her misunderstandings.

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ART OF GRAPHIX: Taking Junkanoo to the world stage

Angelique "Junkanoo Goddess” McKay is a household name not only to Junkanoo and Bahamian culture but throughout the world.


Bay Street nervous on cruise return wait

A DOWNTOWN Nassau restaurant owner is hoping cruise tourism can make a full rebound earlier than 2021 given that 60 percent of his business is generated by that industry.

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Sir Sean Connery – The Last Great Matinée Idol

To celebrate the life of Sir Sean Connery, who died on Saturday at the age of 90, The Tribune is posting this article written by Christopher Ondaatje for the Weekend section in 2017, which marvelled at the distinguished career of the award-winning Scottish actor.

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Golden Girl urges next generation to pick up the baton

AS the last of the Golden Girls to compete on the women’s 4 x 400 meter relay team, sprinter Debbie Ferguson-McKenzie said it’s disappointing that the Bahamas wasn’t able to continue the trend of producing more female athletes to compete at the major international track and field meets.


EDITORIAL: We're wearing our sharpest suit but with empty pockets

THE Bahamas has made its pitch for how to reopen to tourism.

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Water Corp 'hanging on a very tight string'

The Government has little choice but to bail-out a Water & Sewerage Corporation that is "hanging on a very tight string"," a Cabinet minister confirmed yesterday.

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TUESDAY'S UPDATES: PM reverses new measures

A DAY after announcing a seven-day immediate lockdown for New Providence, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has reversed the harsh measures, allowing food stores, pharmacies, water depots, gas stations and hardware stores to open from 6am to 9pm beginning Wednesday.