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Pintard bashes Davis for being ‘unprepared’ to answer questions

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard bashed Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis for being “unprepared” to answer several questions related to a $500m Inter-American Development bank loan, the status of Bahamas Power and Light (BPL), the government’s efforts to enhance transparency, and other more matters.

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Bell: I’ll speak in House on immigration questions

IMMIGRATION Minister Keith Bell said he would answer Free National Movement questions on various matters, some controversial, in the House of Assembly next week.

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Sands raises questions on process of jury vetting

FREE National Movement chairman Dr Duane Sands said last week’s dismissal of the jury in North Abaco MP Kirk Cornish’s rape trial was a “pretty embarrassing issue” that raises questions about the vetting process to select the jury.

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Two men questioned after Gambier Village shooting death

Police are questioning two men in connection with a shooting on Saturday that claimed the life of a 31-year-old man.

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Man questioned over fatal stabbing off Carmichael Road

Police are questioning a 30-year-old man in connection with the fatal stabbing of a man on Friday night.

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WORLD VIEW: Venezuela’s dangerous referendum - threatening peace and international law

FOR sixty years, from their entry into school, Venezuelans have been trained into believing that the Essequibo region of Guyana belongs to Venezuela. Consequently, regardless of the facts, this belief is ingrained in the Venezuelan psyche.

EDITORIAL: Questions over body camera footage

ANOTHER police-involved shooting has led to questions over a variety of issues – but most pointedly with regard to the use of body cameras.

Minister of Energy questioned over BPL by the opposition during rare Q&A in the House

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard pressed Transport and Energy Minister JoBeth Coleby Davis about Bahamas Power & Light matters during a rare question and answer period in the House of Assembly yesterday.

EDITORIAL: Veil of secrecy appears to have returned

WE have written before in this column about the disparency between the current administration’s words when it comes to transparency, and its actions.

Question for Simon Wilson

If I might ask our Financial Secretary, Mr Simon Wilson, a serious financial question.

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Witness that testified against Gibson admits to being questioned by police on fraud

A SENIOR engineer at the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) who has given testimony harmful to Adrian Gibson and his co-accused admitted police questioned her for suspected fraud last year.

EDITORIAL: Questions over violence interrupters

THE Minister of National Security must think we are fools.

EDITORIAL: Govt avoidance of answer on irregularities telling

IT IS worth noting the defensiveness currently taking place over the Chinese workers who were released from custody after the intervention of Immigration Minister Keith Bell despite irregularities in their status.

Have we learned our lesson yet?

Mankind has long pondered, studied, and questioned our purpose in life that exists upon pendulum swings between balance and domination. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly disrupted our entire world order. Have we emerged from this dangerous scourge any wiser than before, since it appears that we will be entering another questionable era of Artificial Intelligence, or AI next? Are we content to accept that such are the rapid advances of modern life, rather than question and reflect?

Ministry of Labour & Immigration responds to questions raised by Leader of Opposition

Press Statement from the Ministry of Labour & Immigration on the Detailed Clarification on Questions Raised by the Leader of the Opposition on Immigration Matters:

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INSIGHT: Surprise prorogation of Parliament without explanation will lead to speculation and gossip

THE unexpected announcement of the prorogation of Parliament has set tongues wagging.

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Police question man over alleged sexual assault of 13-year-old girl

POLICE in Bimini are questioning a 25-year-old man in connection with an alleged sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl.

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Three questioned over Abaco shooting

Police are questioning three people in connection with the shooting incident that occurred on Green Turtle Key, Abaco on Friday. A 39-year-old man, a 49-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman were arrested around 6am on Friday in Green Turtle Cay. A firearm, believed to be the weapon used in the incident, was also confiscated.

Compliance chief loses bid to block grilling by ex-boss

A broker/dealer's former compliance chief has failed in his bid to prevent attorneys acting for his ex-boss from cross-examining him over his answers to 74 questions posed by US federal regulators.

Family Island renewable energy search generates 100 questions

The Family Island renewable energy tender process has sparked more than 100 questions from potential bidders and interested investors, a Cabinet minister has revealed.