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ISpeakFacts 3 years, 11 months ago on UPDATED: 107 new cases of COVID-19 reported on Wednesday, two more deaths

Every time they add new deaths to the chart they also add an additional "non-covid" death. Who do these idiots think they're fooling!?

On another note, word has it that Fred Mitchell wants a general election forced ASAP! These idiotic politicians just don't GET IT, now is not the time for politics, yes Minnis and his loyal cronies MUST resign IMMEDIATELY but right now we need to worry about flattening the curve of this virus and preparing for these Hurricanes approaching our doorstep! Now is not the time to wonder who is getting their fill of the gravy next, a general election does nothing during this pandemic because the PLP (just like Minnis) has no plan going forward!

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trueBahamian 3 years, 11 months ago on 15 more cases of COVID-19, two deaths under investigation

Reopening is inevitable. No economy can shut down forever. At some point before a total collapse, you have to reopen. But reopening has to be done in a smart, well thought out way. You can't simply open the doors and keep your fingers crossed.

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ISpeakFacts 3 years, 10 months ago on 54 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday

Death count coming from the MOH is no longer useful (NEVER WAS IMO) especially now that we've gotten confirmation that many of the deaths added in September are from deaths that happened in early/mid-August! Who knows how many deaths these SOBs have backlogged!


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ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago on 54 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday

it is the MOH's fault. In the grand scheme of things. This is where systems come in. Before you give a facility the authorization to conduct COVID testing you put in place rigorous compliance guidelines. Of course Im assuming that someone in authority imagined that test results were so important to the national security of the country that clinics couldn't just decide on their own that theyd be conducting testing.

We're really failing at systems. You see it all over the place. The other day DAguilar said the travel visas were taking too long to process so they need to introduce "artificial intelligence" into the system. Thats the moment you could tell they got snowed by the person they paid for the initial implementation because all this system needs is regular ordinary processing logic. Artificial intelligence is for self driving cars and such, not if test failed reject, if test passed approve. Basic ordinary processing logic. Im going to bet that someone used a generic form builder but sold it as "a system" then had a bunch of manual post processing to produce a report. Thats where the problem would lie. But our ministers dont know the difference, use terms like block chain, AI, digital assets and they're sold. We're doomed.

3(?) months ago I said one way this system works is if the travel booking sites developed an interface to the testing facilities. The booking of flights and test results would all work together in one flow. Every country could use this. What if the Bananas had gathered all of its programmers together on one giant project and said let's develop this system for the world? What if the Bananas had gotten $2 for every test booked through the system? Who is doing the thinking? but no we waiting on AI to do simple branch

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ISpeakFacts 3 years, 10 months ago on ‘A nice, loving, kind girl - a good mom’: Domestic row turns to horror as mother and daughter killed

Sad part is, IF the killer is ever caught (I said IF because the police in this country are hopeless) he'll be free in no time, just like every other killer that's back out on the street, its time we bring back the death penalty!

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whogothere 3 years, 9 months ago on THOUSANDS MAY HAVE CAUGHT VIRUS: Leading medical centres estimate infection rate is much higher than stated

Lol we never even had a curve! We 're weren't testing - we didn't haven't any tests in March through July, we were bumbling around in the dark, playing like we had pandemic crisis. So it looked like the lockdown was working, Team Minnis used that logic to justify draconian lockdowns from March through July and a power grab...all without understanding what was really going on - Blissful ignorance, the emperors new cloths...No we didn't flatten the curve, nor did we have first wave. We've had one wave and the virus will likely, slow down significantly as it approaches Herd Immunity Thresholds which are (contrary to what the MSM likes to report) closer to 20% - 30% depending population make up and density. Nassau likely has 30k+ cases. With population of 195k in NP we'll likely see confirmed cases go to 4k-5k before tinkering off like they have in Grand Bahamas. Anyway the whole point is - we could have avoided the larger national crisis that is brewing in education, Delayed diagnostics and treatments of other ailments, increased poverty as well as the increased national burden of debt that has now been hitched to the next generation of Bahamians... We could have kept our borders open, we could have simply required all travelers Bahamian or otherwise to do a pcr test before entry, we could have not lock-down our islands, we could have sent our kids to school, we could not destroyed the livelihoods of 10s of thousands of Bahamians; because at the end of the day as bad as COVID19 is, it is really not what it was chalked up to be.

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Economist 3 years, 9 months ago on ZNS closes its doors again as engineer tests positive

Good time to close ZNS once and for all and save the tax payer millions of dollars each year.

We have plenty of other radio and televisions stations now. ZNS has served it purpose and is no longer needed.

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ISpeakFacts 3 years, 9 months ago on COVID-19 figures pass 5,000 over the weekend

How much is Minnis paying you to dance and lick his boots? You must be drinking sum strong kool-aid if you think Minnis has shown any sort of leadership during his tenure! 100+ dead from the China Virus since Minnis decided to reopen our borders in July, and he's planning on making the same mistake again next month!

Why should we commend Minnis for his gross incompetence? He hasn't done anything positive since coming into office, his response to Dorian has been a complete embarrassment, which is why its no surprise to some that Minnis failed to handle this pandemic, the China Virus completely toyed with Minnis' pea-sized brain! At least Minnis die-hards like yourself can brag to others that YOUR savior killed the economy, something no other PM could hope to accomplish!

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ISpeakFacts 3 years, 9 months ago on D’Aguilar - PLP is all criticism, but no plan

"You know the leader of the opposition has to say something. I’m very interested in what their plan is. They’re all about what they don’t like, but I don’t hear what their plan is"

That's funny because we're 8 months into this pandemic and Minnis and Super Wash still have no plan besides locking down citizens and killing the economy, in fact they still don't even have a plan for Abaco post-Dorian, this administration hasn't done ANYTHING since taking office!

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trueBahamian 3 years, 9 months ago on Minnis told Junkanoo funeral - no rushout: Mourners advised ceremony feared to be 'super spreader' had to follow COVID rules

It is understandable that members of the Saxns wanted to honor a giant in their organization. But, the PM has to ensure that the rules are followed. There must be consistency. You put in place fines for breach of the emergency orders. So, where are the fines? Why are people not showing up in the magistrates court for this infraction? You allow a rush out but then want to crucify the guy selling coconut water by thr roadside. This is ridiculous.

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ForeverDreamer 3 years, 9 months ago on Time to revisit vehicle inspection outsourcing

Please no. I rather that government crooks than these dealers impending cars with more fails so they can market their cars as passing or their services to failed inspection cars. Please, privatize through a non car dealer, non major car part importer and non major mechanic company.

The same with letting dealers issue inspection clearance for car imports is just a protectionist stance from dinosaur car importers who refused to keep up with low cost imports, they want to now deem all your 3k cars to be failing inspection.

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ISpeakFacts 3 years, 8 months ago on Sandilands patient dies by suicide

Nearly all of the nurses in this country are obese, unprofessional, and lack proper training, they only show up to collect their paycheck and couldn't care less what happens to the patients!

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observer2 3 years, 8 months ago on ‘Lords of Doom’ contractors put on staff

Amused. I think the crooked IMF will lend us the $500m for the BEC rate bond so we can buy more outdated global warming fossil fuel and outdated generation plants from the corrupt Shell in Europe.

Elite professionals and entrenched business interest in the Bahamas stand to benefit for all the legal, financial, oil importation and construction work as monopolies remain fixed in the importation of oil, the generation of power, the virtual shut out of renewable energies and the constant downgrading of the Bahamas into junk bond territory.

Why should government care? By curtailing the export of US dollars by average Bahamains they are now flush with US$2 billion in reserves....ready to wire out to their European business partners.

Turnquest always saying how bad things are but I ain see him take any pay cut.

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DWW 3 years, 8 months ago on Fisheries suffers ‘rift’ on non-Bahamian workers

A good point, but there are also some incredibly able divers in this country. Perhaps some of the best in the world. check Long Island, Eleuthera, Exuma, Abaco, etc. These Nassau syncophants should look to the better parts of the Bahamas.

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ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago on In year of lockdowns and curfews, crime down

This is very faulty analysis. How they can attribute lower numbers to good work by police "alone" is astounding. Crime is down because we put the entire country in prison. That will work fir a bit. Because suicides are up, domestic violence is up. There are extremely troubling signs happening in the country. You try to keep this up to 2022 to use in your campaign slogan and it could erupt all over you

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ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago on Union anger at change in Atlantis gratuities

I get both sides of the argument. Someone who is only making 50 a week probably can't wait 2 weeks. how will they pay for gas, bus fare, food, laundry services? Budgets are for persons with disposable incomes (yeah I know). What tgese people need is a way to move to a higher income, that can only come with education... (or a fairy godfather). But consolidating payouts is more efficient for the hotel.

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ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago on Long queues for pension registration

This is a sin. I hope none of these people get sick.why force elderly people to crowd together?