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Man denies any involvement over missing Peruvian woman

A MAN who raised concern over the whereabouts of his missing friend Nelly Alva yesterday denied any involvement with the 47-year-old woman’s disappearance.

Man accused of sex attack on tourist

A MAN was arraigned in Magistrate’s Court yesterday afternoon in connection with a complaint filed by an American tourist who alleged that she was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance.

The people need to be represented

I have been very acquainted with the struggles emanating out of the constituency where the vacancy occurred, and the mixed emotions, the wayward sentiment often times, than not, when the decision goes against the choices of the constituents so impacted and needing to have a representer of substance, focused, and people centric agitating for and on their behalf sitting in the Halls Of the People’s Debating Chamber (the parliament of the Bahamas), in principle many have deemed meritoriously, and having merit, and deserving the utmost praise, we believed.

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LIFE OF CRIME: Paedophilia and the need to protect children

Paedophilia. The dark, dark secret. A terrible taboo. Surely this does not exist in the Bahamas?

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‘Woman raped in blackout’

POLICE are investigating a woman’s allegation that she was attacked and raped during a power outage by an acquaintance she had been casually talking with just before the lights went out.

Nygard slams 'utterly irrelevant attacks'

Peter Nygard yesterday blasted the “incessant and utterly irrelevant personal attacks” made against him by Louis Bacon and the Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay, dismissing them as lacking “any factual basis”.

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Second cop faces charges after sex tapes leak

A policeman arraigned in Magistrates Court yesterday denied defaming a female acquaintance by posting a nude image of her on Facebook.

Ignorance of Budget Rules and Conventions

For those who have a nodding acquaintance with the rules and conventions of cabinet government as practised in a parliamentary democracy – particularly one like ours which follows the Westminster model – it is quite surprising to see people who ought to know better complaining about how they were blindsided by the increase in the valued added tax (VAT) by Finance Minister Peter Turnquest.

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Bahamas bids farewell to the Royal couple

The Bahamas bid farewell to Prince William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, on Saturday night after their visit to Abaco and Grand Bahama – the last leg of their trip.

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A LIFE OF CRIME - Jealousy and envy: The terrible twin forces destroying relationships

JEALOUSY and envy – two emotions that could be described as the toxic renewable energy that fuels much of the negative behaviour that is both running and ruining the Bahamas.

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Police investigate sex attack on American tourist

AN American tourist was allegedly “sexually molested” by a Bahamian man, police said.

Here comes your new look

Here comes your new look YOUR local online news experience is about to become more interactive, more informative and more dynamic with the launch of the new this Monday. The Tribune is changing the look and feel of its website in order

Warning over iTunes card scam

THE Financial Crimes Investigation Branch is warning the public to be cautious of an email scam soliciting the purchase of iTunes cards.

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‘Sports in Paradise’ campaign eyes relaunch

WITH the relaunching of the “Sports in Paradise’’ campaign, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg wants to make sure that his staff is prepared for the challenge ahead of them.

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COMING THIS WEEKEND: The Tribune's Top 5

This Saturday, a brand new online feature begins on The Tribune's Top 5.

VIDEOS: Freeport during and after Isaias

These videos show the effects of Hurricane Isaias in Freeport over the weekend.

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* A Foot of Rain 🌧 Expected *

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VIDEO: Nassau hit by stormy weather over the weekend

Stormy weather hit the capital over the weekend, with thunderstorms, heavy rain and lightning.

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Long lines and empty shelves after lockdown U-turn

Food stores were inundated with shoppers on Wednesday, hours after the government reversed the seven-day lockdown.

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VAT: Govt aims to finalise regulations by end of month

THE government hopes to wrap up the entire process of formulating the legislation and regulations that will govern Value Added Tax in the Bahamas by the end of the month, State Minister for Finance Michael Halkitis told The Tribune yesterday.