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Fishing Hole Bridge closed for safety

THE Fishing Hole Bridge in Grand Bahama was closed on Wednesday evening due to safety concerns because of hazardous driving conditions experienced and engineering issues in the road construction.

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VAT increase on breadbasket items ‘best practice’

ECONOMIC Affairs Michael Halkitis defended the anticipated increase of value added tax on breadbasket items, saying it follows expert advice and best practices around the world.

Billboards up and Grand Bahama campaign has begun

ELECTION billboards and political paraphernalia are out in Grand Bahama where five constituency seats are up grabs.

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'Only a matter of time' before Bahamas identifies its first coronavirus case

IT is only a matter of time before The Bahamas identifies its first case of the coronavirus, Health Minister Dr Duane Sands said yesterday.

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DIANE PHILLIPS: It all starts with a simple idea

Who among us hasn’t at one moment or another thought, “If only I were younger” or “If only I had more financial backing, I could do such-and-such” or “Why doesn’t someone create a business to do (xyz)?”

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Two bodies found as people get back to work in Abaco

CLEAN-UP crews working to move debris in The Mudd have revealed how they have found two bodies and at least one firearm. Forty-two Abaconians have been able to get back to work thanks to the clean-up operation after Hurricane Dorian. Bahamas Striping

Bahamians can handle Abaco debris clean-up

Bahamian companies have the necessary equipment and capacity to handle the massive clean-up of Abaco’s Dorian debris, a local contractor involved in the effort is arguing. Atario Mitchell, president of Caribbean Pavement Solutions (CPS), said: “For

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‘Recent fire had no direct effect on load shedding’

A RECENT fire at Bahamas Power and Light’s Clifton Pier Plant has had no bearing on ongoing load shedding in New Providence.

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‘Irreversible’ harm fears on $580m Abaco project

The Government has been urged to reject the proposed $580m South Abaco mixed-use resort project due to “tremendous concerns” over its “financial viability and environmental impact”.

Show your true self

The events that transpired in the House of Assembly on February 7th are well documented.

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Fyre Festival organisers ‘wasted money and acted like spoilt kids’

AMERICAN organisers flew into The Bahamas and conducted their affairs like “spoilt kids” with an aging celebrity in tow, flouting regulations in their bid to stage the ill-fated Fyre Festival cheaply, according to a former Bahamian consultant on the project.

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Lightbourn: PLP ‘luring’ unions with changes to labour laws

MONTAGU MP Richard Lightbourn yesterday accused the governing Progressive Liberal Party of attempting to “lure” labour unions and their members into supporting the party with amendments to legislation that governs employee relations weeks ahead of the impending general election.

Symonette the man to be leader

Re: Your editorial of Feb 2, 2017: “It’s Time For The Opposition To Get Its Act Together”, and in which you reference and quote the thrust of an excellent editorial letter by Luther McDonald published on January 24th.

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Legal advice sought amid low voter registration

AMID low voter registration, Parliamentary Commissioner Sherlyn Hall is seeking legal advice on whether it would be lawful to automatically re-register people for the next election who had registered to vote in the 2012 general election.

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.Google could start new domain boom

GOOGLE is helping to usher in a new way for companies to tout their brand names in the digital realm.

Corruption ‘almost a culture’ in Bahamas

The Democratic National Alliance’s (DNA) leader yesterday said he was “amazed” that government MPs and their leadings supporters appeared to be justifying corruption, which has “almost become a culture” in the Bahamas.

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Miller: We learned corruption from U.S.

TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller yesterday insisted that the granting of government contracts to political supporters will “never stop” because politicians must “do what they have to do” to win elections.


BIMINI residents are complaining that a proliferation of flies and unpleasant odour have overtaken their small community due to the improper handling of solid waste collection and disposal on that island.

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Dawn Charlton takes CAC title

IT WAS third time lucky for Dawn Charlton as she became the latest Bahamian to earn her professional bodybuilding card by winning the overall women’s fitness title at the Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships over the weekend in St Maarten.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: More on regulating webshops

Years ago, I remember hearing that Sir Lynden Pindling, the country’s first prime minister, was known for espousing the view that “the voice of the people” was that of God’s.