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geostorm 4 years, 11 months ago on 'BPL takes precedence over union demands'

@topdude, we are seriously our own worst enemies. It's absurd that fellow Bahamians would wish to destroy this country for political gain. In the end we all lose when our country fails.

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jamaicaproud 4 years, 10 months ago on How The Mudd and Pigeon Peas were lost

The black Bahamian is just like a SouthAfrican. Don't see themself as African origin. Talking about haitian roots. You almost got wiped off the face of the map and all you can think about is Haitians this and Haitians that. I don't know what they teach in your school's and church. But it seems to be hatred.

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concernedcitizen 4 years, 10 months ago on Near miss for PM's plane

@Mudda ,The new generation of medications for OCD are quite effective and have very few side effects .

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Topdude 4 years, 10 months ago on NEMA: No new arrangements for Bahamians to enter US

After reading Sic Mudda’s comments over the years and especially since this disaster visited our Bahamaland I was compelled to send a sample of his comments to one my Professors from Graduate School for her assessment in her capacity as a psychiatrist.

In her reply she said that she has seen several cases like Sic Mudda and he represents someone who is suffering from Münchausen syndrome. She says she doesn’t need to examine him because his symptoms are self evident. She says that his continuous blogs are equivalent to the tweets of another person who holds a major post in the USA.

She recommends ignoring his comments and sooner or later he will stop. She also recommends asking parents to warn their children about a child molester who is on the loose in Nassau. She says he begging for help and attention but is afraid and or incapable of doing so due to a psychological block caused by some incident(s) of sexual abuse as a child which causes him to behave in this anonymous manner. Furthermore, she advises that he may have a major position of influence in Bahamian society.

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Clamshell 4 years, 10 months ago on Hurricane Dorian Updates: The latest on Tropical Storm Humberto

Hey, Tal ... what exactly is your official spoken or written language? ‘Cause it sure ain’t English. 😎

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Topdude 4 years, 10 months ago on Death toll rises by one - but many still missing

Sic Mudda it would really help us If you volunteered to be the King/ Queen of the Bahamas. You know everything, your views are not subject to query, your analyses are spot on, your wisdom is beyond reproach and your morals are exemplary.

I suspect the only thing preventing that is your anatomical structure is such that your head is located in a lower extremity of your skeleton. You are repulsive, sick and a freak. Get a life please.

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CatIslandBoy 4 years, 3 months ago on PM announces ban on import of non-medical masks to help develop local industry

You all are such whiners and cry babies. Here is an embattled PM desperately trying to save Bahamian lives, and you are letting your pettiness cloud you judgement. How many of you, with your vast corona virus handling experience could do a better job? Giving the PM some credit, whether you like him or not, for stepping up to the challenge each day.

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themessenger 4 years, 2 months ago on PM accepts Sands’ resignation

@mudda, you, more than anyone, should be intimately acquainted with schadenfreude as that is your major stock in trade, there always remains a remote possibility, and I stress remote, that you might actually at some point get a life.

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Topdude 4 years, 2 months ago on Divided views on Sands' decision to resign

Mudda where have you been? Are you sick ( double entendre intended)? There is no backstabbing and infighting in the FNM like the kind which defines the PLP.

Our Prime Minister has the loyalty and support of every member of his Cabinet.

Not to worry about the future of Dr. Sands. He still has a critical role to play in the party. His exceptionally brilliant mind will not be allowed to lay fallow. It will continue to be harvested for the benefit of the nation. Just keep looking.

And your silly attempt to plant the seeds of disharmony will not find fertile ground in our Party. Try something else dummy. Continue self flagellation. Pervert.

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Topdude 4 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: PM tables resolution to extend emergency orders

Mudda -Take-Sic you are aware of the cardinal sins. You exemplify at least two: Jealousy and Envy. Please you are jealous and envious that someone with the background of the Hon. Prime Minister has risen to the highest elected office in our nation through the dint of hard work, grit and determination. And you are a nobody. Your envy and jealousy are so patent I fear before the FNM’s term in office is over and before we are re-elected for a second term, you will run out of insults.

What more do you want from our Prime Minister and our Party?

As to the other misbegotten PLP supporters who continue to spew filth, please open your eyes to progress. And we are looking for you to join the winning team under our noble and honorable leader.

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Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago on PLP can't support lockdown extension, says Davis

The leader of the Opposition is totally cranky and cookie. We all know it is part of his Job Description to denigrate anything the Government says or does. However it behooves him at this critical juncture, in the spirit of national development, to offer concrete suggestions and practical solutions. The Covid 19 virus does not discriminate between FNM and PLP supporters so it is downright stupid to hold any cards with whatever Nobel prize winning suggestions that the PLP purports to have to his chest. Now is the time to show solidarity not partisan “us”versus “them” thinking. Put those ideas and suggestions on the table. And stop criticizing and pulling down the Government. This is the time to show your statesmanship not your gutter proclivities. Let’s rally around our Government for the good of all Bahamians.

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stillwaters 4 years, 1 month ago on Last stages but curfew stays for overnight

He changed his name, but can't change the garbage and hatefulness he spews.

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Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago on PM refuses to explain decision to accept Sands’ resignation

When will some people recognize the FACT that it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to decline to answer such questions?

It is presumptuous and downright insulting to expect an answer.

The next set of questions TarRussell and his girl Mudda-take-Sic will expect the Honorable Prime Minister to answer is:

  1. What did he have for dinner last night?

  2. What time does he go to bed at night.

  3. How frequently does he pass gas?

Come on now please provide the PM with the space he is entitled to and deserves.

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Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago on ‘Time to bin Columbus memorial’

Given the increasingly acrimonious climate surrounding global contemporary race relations and the historical factors leading to where we are in 2020, the right thing to do here in the Bahams is to appoint a National Commission on the Updating of the Names of Streets, the Creation of New Monuments and Statues , the Disposal of Racist Monuments and Statues and the Use of And Introduction of African and Lucayan Languages to Replace the racist English Language . Let’s see how far we can go on this one? Take English out of the school curriculum. Proceedings in Parliament in Swahili, etc. African clothing to replace European clothing. Tribal customs to replace European Customs, e.g. polygamy, African laws to replace European laws, e.g. communal ownership of property, and obeah and voodoo to replace European religious practices. Facial scarring, female l genital mutilation and other native practices to reflect our African heritage. Uhuru.

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Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago on Senior cops want promotions scrapped

This is completely outrageous, ridiculous and beyond the pale. The next thing these two presumptuous insubordinate individuals will seek is the release from prison for convicted persons and the rearrest of individuals legally freed by the courts. This will be because some of their subordinates did not consult them. To give any attention to this insubordination is to destroy the integrity of the chain of command as well as to make a joke of the promotion process. I trust that these two individuals are given their walking papers as soon as possible so they can seek employment in the casinos where they can challenge the outcome of various games of chance on account that the odds were stacked against the players. Come on gentlemen please do not try to tamper in arenas where you have no qualifications-or understanding And most importantly, please do not forget the basic principle of the uniformed services: The CHAIN OF COMMAND.

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moncurcool 4 years ago on Davis criticises Minnis over hotel redundancies

He called on the Minnis administration to say what relief laid-off workers will receive.

Seriously Davis? Have you ever heard of the Employment Act?

If you selling a hotel, you are suppose to pay out the people and then the new entity has the right to hire them. Stop trying to make a non issue a political matter to try score brownie points.

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joeblow 4 years ago on Brave warns - we’re taking risks

Taking a risk on 'Brave' being leader of this country would be a far greater threat than COVID-19, that's for sure!

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Topdude 3 years, 11 months ago on Why close down islands with no recorded cases?

Has anyone ever heard of the fundamental medical principle that says Prevention is better than Cure? With this pandemic it is even more critical to abide by it. All of you selfish , short term non critical thinkers need to grow up. The job of a Prime Minister is a no win job during times like these. However, history will be the judge. May I once again please ask my fellow Bahamians to let the Prime Minister do his job. God Bless you Prime Minister.

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Dawes 3 years, 10 months ago on 'An election? We've got lots to do before that'

I am unable to find the information out, however what is our death numbers overall this year compared to the last few years. It would be interesting to see if this year has more or less deaths overall. The fact is the PM did a great job in the first phase and was able to eliminate the virus. Then he made his mistake of opening up borders and now we have it again. He tried a hard lockdown (stupidly with no notice) and we the people said no. So now we are reopening (we have to economically) and yet we the people are causing the problems. It is not the PM who is out partying without social distancing, it is us. If we just follow the social distancing, washing hands and wearing masks we should be able to do pretty good. However that won't happen and instead of blaming those who are not able to do that, we blame the PM.