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GIBSON AND LYNES TAKE ON MITCHELL: Both apply for PLP chair ahead of convention

FORMER Cabinet minister Shane Gibson and attorney Robyn Lynes have applied to be chair of the Progressive Liberal Party, setting up a race with the incumbent office holder, Fred Mitchell, at the party’s convention on November 9 and 10.

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Leaked document says by-election date is November 22

THE West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election date is set for November 22, according to a leaked document, the authenticity of which was confirmed by Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell.

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PLP National General Council accepts recommendation of Kingsley Smith for West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election

The National General Council of the Progressive Liberal Party has accepted the candidates committee recommendation of Kingsley Smith for the upcoming West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election after a raucous meeting.


Pintard raises cost overrun concerns over GB complex

The Opposition’s leader yesterday challenged the “complicated arrangement” that has resulted in the Government engaging two contractors for the Eight Mile Rock administration complex.


PLP’s move on Gibson about optics

The recent decision of Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) leader, Brave Davis, to overlook Shane Gibson as the party’s standard bearer is not just a matter of political strategy; it’s an emblematic statement about where the party stands and the direction it hopes to take. For the astute political observer, this move demands both rigorous analysis and critique.

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Immigration Minister’s actions ‘nothing new’ and happen ‘all the time’

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell defended Immigration Minister Keith Bell during a PLP Fox Hill constituency meeting, insisting recent immigration controversies are “nothing new” and were handled similarly by previous administrations.

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PLP supporters disrupt candidate’s announcement

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party supporters disrupted Terneille Burrows when she announced she would run for office in the Elizabeth constituency in the 2026 general election, saying she should “get out”.


Is Watson move a demotion?

A gentleman who I believe supports the Progressive Liberal Party asked me if I consider Clint Watson’s relocation from the Office of the Prime Minister as Press Secretary to ZNS (or the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas) a promotion? I told him no, considering that Watson, as Press Secretary, was the de facto mouthpiece of the Davis administration; having immediate access to Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis. For many thousands of Bahamians, Watson has become the face of the PLP.

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‘Investigate $100k travel expense at by-election’

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard said the Davis administration misused public funds when $100,000 was spent to cover travel for Family Island trips that included events encouraging people to vote for the Progressive Liberal Party’s candidate in the West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election.

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‘PLP WILL UNITE FOR BY-ELECTION’: Bimini chair confident supporters will come together to back Smith

THE chair of the Progressive Liberal Party’s Bimini constituency association is confident party members will unite ahead of the by-election despite the council meeting the PLP had in New Providence on Friday.

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Lynes: ‘Dissent and differing opinions are not divisive’

FORMER Senator Robyn Lynes repeated her call for respect and unity in the  Progressive Liberal Party’s chairmanship race against Fred Mitchell.


Condolences expressed for Wilchcombe

Women United (WU) expresses our profound sorrow and deepest condolences on the passing of Minister Obie Wilchcombe, the Minister of Social Services and Member of Parliament for West End and Bimini. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, the Progressive Liberal Party, his constituents, and the entire nation of The Bahamas during this difficult time.

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PM promises 50 metre pool for Grand Bahama

LOOK for the construction of a new 50-metre pool in Grand Bahama and the development of various facilities throughout the Family Islands during this fiscal year of the Progressive Liberal Party’s tenure in office.


What role is played by Georges?

PRIME Minister Philip Brave Davis is the leader of the Progressive Liberal Party government and will undoubtedly make decisions which he believes are in the best interests of The Bahamas. One of those decisions, apparently, was the appointment of Haitian-Bahamian activist Louby Georges in the Ministry of Immigration.

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Nygard was close to both parties, says Davis

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis claimed former fashion mogul Peter Nygard was close to the Free National Movement, not just the Progressive Liberal Party.

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Bain ‘awesome’ after winning 307 votes in by-election battle

COALITION of Independents Leader Lincoln Bain said although the Progressive Liberal Party won the by-election, his party is prepared to win the war ahead of the 2026 general election.

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The FNM ‘is fine just the way we are right now’, says leader on party convention

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard would not say when his party will host its next convention, but speculated about what will happen at the Progressive Liberal Party’s upcoming event.

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‘We need you to line up behind the one’, said PM urging West Grand Bahama to support Smith

PRIME Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis urged West Grand Bahama and Bimini supporters to support Kingsley Smith, the Progressive Liberal Party member hoping to succeed Obie Wilchcombe in the constituency.


Chairman and leader are one

Politics, at its core, isn’t just about individual personalities, it’s about the collective vision, strategies, and objectives they represent. As the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) approaches its convention and subsequent by-election, the interplay of these politics is vividly clear.

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GIBSON BOWS OUT OF CHAIRMAN RACE: Shane backs Lynes as he claims confidence lacking for Mitchell

SHANE Gibson said he has withdrawn from the Progressive Liberal Party’s upcoming chairmanship race to consolidate opposition to Fred Mitchell.