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WORLD VIEW: Commonwealth Caribbean countries – all republics by 2030?

BY 2030, it is more than likely that the eight independent Commonwealth countries which are still monarchical states, with Queen Elizabeth II as their Sovereign, will become Republics.

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Bahamas Roadmasters Virtual 9th Bahamas Half Marathon/ 10k set for November 20-21

WHILE they wait on the restrictions to be lifted for mass gatherings at public outings, Bahamas Roadmasters is encouraging persons to come out and participate in their Cancer Treatment of America Virtual 9th Bahamas Half Marathon and 10 Kilometre race.

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Henfield Basketball Shooting Academy takes it to ‘The Lab’

IT’S called “The Lab,” where coach and mentor Marvin Hen eld has created his home for the Marvin Hen eld Basketball Shooting Academy for basketball players who have been marginalised because of their shooting abilities.

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WORLD VIEW: Venezuela talks – mountain went forth and produced a mouse

IT was predictable that, in an attempt to show they are capable of collaboration, the rival political groups in Venezuela would pick their spurious claim to two-thirds of Guyana’s territory as a show of unity.

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Police warn of increase in counterfeit currency

POLICE have seen an increase in counterfeit Bahamian currency being distributed in communities, the most common being $20 and $50 notes.


Red Cross seeks volunteers

THE Bahamas Red Cross Society is looking to increase its volunteer intake across the country to assist in its work to provide relief and assistance to those in need and during times of disaster.


Bahamas AIDS Foundation establishes safe, supervised study centre for kids

The Bahamas AIDS Foundation has received permission from the Competent Authority to assist a small number of primary school-aged children to access and benefit from the Ministry of Education’s virtual learning platform in a safe and supervised space.

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WORLD VIEW: We’re in a new reality and those who control the purse strings need to realise that - and help

GOVERNMENTS in Central America are calling for “climate justice” after the devastation of their countries by Eta and Iota as both tropical storms and hurricanes.


COVID alcohol bar cuts Brewery revenue 48%

Commonwealth Brewery has disclosed that the COVID-19-related bar on alcohol sales slashed its 2020 second quarter revenues by 48 percent year-over-year, dropping it to a $3.16m first half net loss.


Bowling teams all set for the big lanes

OVER the next few weeks, bowling will be in the spotlight for the Bahamas with the island nation preparing for three teams to compete internationally. The first team, according to federation public relations officer Clayton Gardiner, begins their ‘a

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Bahamas radio show takes to the air in Florida

THE Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) has partnered with a Florida-based multimedia broadcast company to create, produce and broadcast a customised digital radio show.The 30-minute radio talk show Bahamas Travel will be produced by Alp

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FACE TO FACE: Climbing the corporate ladder then the light bulb went off . . .

Donavon Powell was on a clear path to success in America, making strides in the financial arena after successfully completing college. He had everything going for him and no reason at this point in his career to stop climbing the corporate ladder in the land of opportunity. But instead he chose to follow a calling and try and make a difference in the land of his birth. He came up with an idea that had the potential to make a positive impact in The Bahamas and give him a chance to return home and earn a living.

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SPORTING MISCHIEF & MAYHEM: To all haters, the Cowboys’ loss didn’t stop my show

OKAY, let’s get this one out of the way. Despite my Cowboys losing for only the second time this season, again to the Giants, my trip to New York was far from being in vain!

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NAUGHTY'S NFL PICKS: Working with the ‘short and sweet formula’ in Week 3

HERE we go, week three in the NFL and after a 12-4 week it seems I’m rounding into form.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Modern life stress

The term stress was first used in the 1930s and represented biological trauma, which is described as an incident causing physical harm.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: What’s your vision?

Life can be challenging. There are ways to handle situations which make the difficulties seem like less of an issue. How do you manage everyday things that cause drama, sadness, tension and stress?

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Recognising stress overload

Life is full of new experiences and discoveries, deadlines and demands. This way of life can cause feelings of anxiety and stress. Stress isn’t always bad, however.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: The cost of being sick

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, more than 75 per cent of chronic diseases are preventable, and often the same diseases are reversible. This is exciting if you are facing a disease right now or have a family history of disease.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Hypertension – a holistic perspective on treatment

What is the difference between high blood pressure and hypertension?

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Taking a ‘time out’

For some of you, giving to everyone and everything else before yourself is a daily habit. Many times we find ourselves with health issues, stress imbalances or failing relationships and do not realise that a likely cause is that for too long you have attributed a disproportionate amount of time, attention and energy to ‘other things’.