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Unions see ‘liveable’ wage as real goal

TRADE Union Congress president Obie Ferguson says any political party not talking about a “living wage” is out of touch with the needs of Bahamian workers.


PLP to ‘encourage’ bank licences for Bahamians

The Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) deputy leader is promising to “encourage the Central Bank” to grant commercial bank licences to three Bahamian groups if elected to office on September 16.

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‘I took $1k of goods so I could play baseball with the kids’

A MAN told a court that he stole more than $1,000 worth of sporting equipment from a local school because he wanted to play baseball with the kids in his neighbourhood.

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PETER YOUNG: As an island nation what do you do to halt the flood of refugees?

WITH surprising candour, even the minister responsible for immigration has admitted it. In the words of the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, the UK’s current asylum system is “broken”. This is an issue of prime importance in Britain, not least because the nation’s lack of control over its own borders was one reason for withdrawing from the European Union. So perhaps it is worth examining the current situation in some detail.

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PETER YOUNG: As an island nation what do you do to halt the flood of refugees?

WITH surprising candour, even the minister responsible for immigration has admitted it. In the words of the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, the UK’s current asylum system is “broken”. This is an issue of prime importance in Britain, not least because the nation’s lack of control over its own borders was one reason for withdrawing from the European Union. So perhaps it is worth examining the current situation in some detail.

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THE KDK REPORT: The world shuts down

THERE are some days when getting out of bed comes with great ease and other times when it is a hard-fought mountainous struggle.

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COVID delays Island Luck co-founder’s US sentencing

A co-founder of the Island Luck web shop chain has persuaded a US federal court to delay his sentencing by 30 days because he has become ill with COVID-19.

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Five-year sentence for gun and drugs upheld

THE Court of Appeal yesterday confirmed the five-year prison sentence of a man convicted of illegal drug and firearm possession over four years ago.


Grand Bahama loses Classica to storm relief

Grand Bahama’s already-fragile economy has lost the benefit of regular calls by the Grand Classica for at least a month after the vessel was redeployed to New Orleans to aid Hurricane Ida restoration.


Tax holiday boosts sales for computer retailer

THE value added tax (VAT) holiday boosted sales for one computer retailer – but not for all.


Suddenly, we have an easy choice

Last week was an epiphany to some. But the shocking allegations of conflicts of interest by members of the present government (and their insulting, but predictable refusal to adequately address them by shifting the discussion back to the PLP) should have at least one positive effect.

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ELECTION DAY – As it happened

Voting in the General Election is underway – we'll keep you up-to-date throughout the day as The Bahamas goes to the polls.


Shipper forecasts further hikes in containers, rates

A shipping executive yesterday forecast that container prices and freight rates could increase by 200 percent over current market highs as the world continues to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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AML targeting slash to $6.8m shrinkage

AML Foods is targeting an improvement in inventory shrinkage during its current 2022 financial year after failing to achieve the anticipated reduction during the 12 months to end-April 2021.

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Minister shrugs off union strike threat

EDUCATION Minister Jeff Lloyd said he is not concerned “whatsoever” by recent comments made by Bahamas Union of Teachers President Belinda Wilson, who warned that the union could take industrial action if schools are not ready before the new school year or if increments are not paid.

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Wildcat action shuts airports

AIRPORT operations on several Family Islands were severely affected yesterday after more than a dozen airport employees refused to show up to work in protest of unresolved workplace grievances.

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INSIGHT: The lessons of Afghanistan should not go unheeded

The heart-wrenching scenes in Afghanistan in recent days, which culminated in horrendous terrorist attacks in Kabul airport, sent shock waves across the world and generated much soul-searching in the West. The chaos, desperation, and uncertainty unleashed in the aftermath of Taliban’s rapid take-over of the country was rightfully interpreted as a drastic policy failure of its foreign occupiers.

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FACE TO FACE: We all know someone the virus has taken - how many more?

THE amount of COVID- 19 deaths have risen steadily in recent weeks, so much so that almost every Bahamian knows someone who has succumbed to the virus. It is rampant and merciless. In a small population like The Bahamas, the effects of the disease have hit home for many.

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STATESIDE: Early sign Democrats may be safe in the mid-terms

There was a lot of political news in the US on Tuesday. Pundits and commentators from both the left and the right had plenty to talk about. The big question is whether any of the news was really significant. It might be.

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ALICIA WALLACE: If you’re going to vote tomorrow - stay safe

Tomorrow, we go to the polls. Well, some of us. I have heard from numerous people that they are definitely not going or are still very unsure about voting in the election due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the current raging wave of cases as well as the video evidence of an obviously disorganized advanced poll. For many, uncertainty turned into definite opt-outs when the announcement was made that people who are supposed to be in quarantine will also be allowed to present at the poll and vote alongside everyone else.
