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New board to help steer UWIOCB

THE University of the West Indies Open Campus Bahamas (UWIOCB) has appointed an advisory board of directors.


Fidelity-sponsored BAISS track & field meet ends today

DESPITE the lack of traditional rivalries and scoring systems, the Bahamas Association of Independent Secondary Schools returned to sports with its 32 Track and Field Meet, sponsored by Fidelity Bank and Trust.

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WORLD VIEW: Commonwealth should stand together over Russian aggression

THE Commonwealth, made up of 54 nations of which 32 are small states, should be deeply concerned at the grave threat to the international legal order caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and should act together to show strong disapproval.

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WORLD VIEW: US security bill does not reflect interests of Caribbean nations

THERE has been a troubling development in relations between the US and the 14 independent nations of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

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WORLD VIEW: Checks and balances - is it time to change the electoral system?

THE second consecutive general elections in Barbados on January 19, at which Mia Mottley’s Barbados Labour Party (BLP) won all 30 seats in the House of Representatives, were hailed as historic. They certainly were for Barbados, but not for the English-speaking sub-region of the Caribbean.

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Three facing drug charges

TWO men and a woman were charged in Magistrate’s Court yesterday on two separate counts of possession of dangerous drugs.

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WORLD VIEW: Commonwealth Caribbean countries – all republics by 2030?

BY 2030, it is more than likely that the eight independent Commonwealth countries which are still monarchical states, with Queen Elizabeth II as their Sovereign, will become Republics.


Auditor General praise

I have total admiration of the Auditor General he is doing his Constitutional best to ensure Government and the governance of our finances are on the straight and narrow... he needs tripling of his staff or financial assistance where through his Office he may retain private sector Accountants to expedite a complete audit of Government in each fiscal year with no waiting...Minister of Finance if there is one thing we need is this.

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Bahamas Roadmasters Virtual 9th Bahamas Half Marathon/ 10k set for November 20-21

WHILE they wait on the restrictions to be lifted for mass gatherings at public outings, Bahamas Roadmasters is encouraging persons to come out and participate in their Cancer Treatment of America Virtual 9th Bahamas Half Marathon and 10 Kilometre race.

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Henfield Basketball Shooting Academy takes it to ‘The Lab’

IT’S called “The Lab,” where coach and mentor Marvin Hen eld has created his home for the Marvin Hen eld Basketball Shooting Academy for basketball players who have been marginalised because of their shooting abilities.

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WORLD VIEW: Venezuela talks – mountain went forth and produced a mouse

IT was predictable that, in an attempt to show they are capable of collaboration, the rival political groups in Venezuela would pick their spurious claim to two-thirds of Guyana’s territory as a show of unity.


STATESIDE: We can’t lose faith - if government isn’t working it’s our job to vote and fix it

Bahamians will go to the polls in a week’s time. How do you feel about that?

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Assistant Commissioner of police ends tenure in Grand Bahama district

ASSISTANT Commissioner of Police Ashton Greenslade has ended a successful tenure in the Grand Bahama district during his command as the officer-in-charge of the northern Bahamas district.

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Police warn of increase in counterfeit currency

POLICE have seen an increase in counterfeit Bahamian currency being distributed in communities, the most common being $20 and $50 notes.

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US businessman denies having pistol and ammunition

AN American businessman who denied having a .9mm pistol and a large quantity of ammunition was yesterday granted bail ahead of his trial.


Red Cross seeks volunteers

THE Bahamas Red Cross Society is looking to increase its volunteer intake across the country to assist in its work to provide relief and assistance to those in need and during times of disaster.

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‘Reckless’ posts on massacre

NATIONAL Security Minister Marvin Dames says he’s disturbed by social media reports naming police officers as responsible for the murders of six men last week and cautioned the public against spreading unsubstantiated claims.

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Rolle acts over ‘spurious’ claims

POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle has reported a video circulating on social media that makes “spurious allegations” against him to the Criminal Investigation Department.

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Boy’s killer urged - give yourself up

POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle has called on those responsible for the murder of a ten-year-old boy to turn themselves in.

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BTC’s ‘great pains’ to protect pension fund

The Bahamas Telecommunications Company’s (BTC) chief executive has pledged it “went to great pains” to ensure its latest voluntary retirement offer does not further strain an already-troubled pension fund.